Estudo das Preposições Inglesas ( com exercícios e respostas) PARTE I - lição 5 ; AS from(of), As to, At e Away from

AS FROM (OF) – Indica uma duração indeterminada a partir de um dado tempo.

Ex.: a) As from Friday a new manager will be taking over our sales department.

b) As of next week all the taxi’s fares will be going up.

AS TO – Relativo a – Mais formal que as for.

Ex.: a) As to the expansion of our exportation sector, the company has agreeded to start it next week.

b) I did very well in the interview for the job. As tothewrittenquestions, I’mnotsosure.

AT – Possui diversas aplicações.Indica posição, hora, proximidade, direção, condição etc.

1- Indo em uma direção generalizada.

Ex.: a) Don’t throw stones at your brother; you may hurt him.

b) She was so nervous as he looked at her body with serious but very happy eyes.

2- Posiçãoexata.

Ex.: a) Let’s meet at the entrance of Royal Cafe.

b) He still goes to the same restaurant and sits at the same table.

3- Posiçãoaproximada.

Ex.: a) If you go now, you may see Charles at the hall. He’s just left.

b) I wrote my report at a restaurant on the border.

4- Hora exata ou época particular.

Ex.: a) I’m leaving home at 7:30 tomorrow morning and hope to reach downtown at 8:15.

b) It was at the age of fifty that he discovered his interest in acting.

5- Área específica de um assunto; julgando uma habilidade.

Ex.: a) You have to know Henry, he’s very good at wall climbing.

b) After studying this book you’ll become very good at English prepositions.

6- Quantidade. Para designar preço, temperatura, velocidade, etc.

Ex: a) The price for a single room starts at R$ 120,00.

b) Driving at100 km/hour is a dangerous. Youcan cause anaccident.

7- Estado, condição ou atividade contínua.

Ex: a) For many years Israel and Palestine have been at war.

b) I love visiting that park and watching the children at play.

8- Causa; sentimento em relação a algo.

Ex: a) He tries to be always funny but nobody laughs at his jokes.

b) Don’t be angry at your brother. He’s just a young kid.

9- Usada antes de um superlativo.

Ex: a) Selling those false products will cost you at least three years in jail.

b) You can come to my house to stay for five days at most.

AWAY FROM – Possui o sentido de distância e afastamento.

1- Deixando um objeto, pessoa ou lugar.

Ex.: a) The little lamb ran away from the flock and got lost.

b) He jumped on the water and started to get away from the boat.

2- Fisicamentedistante.

Ex.: a) Janet was tired of the low temperature and moved away from the south of France to Paris.

b) When at the Zoo, remember to keep away from the big animals.

Passemos agora aos exercícios

1 - Complete os espaços com a preposição adequada.

a) I can’t understand Helen. She’s always laughing ______ me.

b) I don’t know for sure but ____ Monday our staff may be wearing a new uniform.

c) Turn your first left and you may find what you want _____ the end of the aisle.

d) He set up his things, gained speed and flew ____ the hill hangliding in the distance.

e) Don’t play too hard; I’m not very good ____ tennis.

f) She left her country to live abroad but couldn’t resist much ______ her people. She was back after five months.

g) I’m late for work. I have to prepare my report and start the meeting ___ 9:30.

h) _____ next Saturday the day light savings time will again change many people’s habits.

i) The meeting is over and, _____ the newcomers please remain in the waiting room.

j) Your lovely wife and all family members made each of us feel _____ home.

2 - Escolha a opção que for a mais apropriada para completar a frase.

a) His car broke down and, __________, he lost the race.

( ) At the group.

( ) Away from the group.

( ) As from the group.

b) The mother, after two years of pain and hope, met her son ___________ on a TV talk show.

( ) Away from Christmas.

( ) As to Christmas.

( ) At Christmas.

c) ___________, my favorite music is rock.

( ) As to me.

( ) As for me.

( ) At me.

d) Everybody can drive and talk on the cellular phone but, ________, one may get a ticket for that.

( ) Away from next year.

( ) As of next year.

( ) As to next year.

e) He left the station _____________ on the platform.

( ) Waving at everybody.

( ) Waving away from everybody.

( ) Waving as for everybody.

3 - Responda a estas perguntas utilizando uma das preposições que estão sendo trabalhadas.

Ex.: When do you go to work?

I start work at three.

a) How long did you live in the U.S.A.? Did you miss your family?


b) Where do you want to meet for dinner tonight?


c) Let’s talk about the new elections, what about your preferences?


d) I missed the president’s speech on TV last night last night. Did he say something new?


e) Susan’s father is coming back after many years. What do you think may have happened in the past when she was a child?


f) Are there any plans in the government to raise taxes?


Respostas dos exercícios


a) at b) as from c) at d) away from e) at f) away from g) at h) as from I) as to

2- a) Away from the group

b) At Christmas

c) As to me

d) As of next year

e) Waving at everybody

3- Respostas variam. Possíveis respostas

a) I lived there for more than 15 years away from my family.

b) Let’s meet at the restaurant at 6:30.

c) As to me, I don’t have one favorite.

d) Yes, he did. As of next year unemployment will be his number one priority.

e) I guess something serious may have happened. Otherwise, he wouldn’t spend so much time away from his daughter.

Professor Edgard Santos
Enviado por Professor Edgard Santos em 05/07/2015
Reeditado em 05/07/2015
Código do texto: T5300481
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro