Estudo das Preposições Inglesas ( com exercícios e respostas) PARTE I - lição 4 (AROUND; AS e AS FOR)


1 – Em uma direção circular.

Ex.: a) Rock around the clock is a famous song of the sixties.

b) It takes the earth 365 days to go around the sun.

2 – Aproximadamente; em relação a tempo, quantidade, etc.

Ex.: a) He promised to be waiting for me around here somewhere.

b) Around 300 hundred people watched the final performance of the Mouse Trap.

c) My uncle loves Belo Horizonte. He moved away last month to live somewhere around the capital.

3 – Aqui e acolá.

Ex: a) She got too nervous this morning and started throwing things around the room.

b) You can get around this city so easily, things are never very far.

4 – Envolvendo por todos os lados.

Ex.: a) The poor sick man, with so many people around him, became breathless.

b) A lake is an area of water with land all around it.

AS – Como preposição significa: como ou na qualidade de.

Ex: a) He is now the company director, but he started as an office boy fifteen years ago.

b) The Beatles have been described by the critics as one of the best rock groups of the 20th century.

AS FOR – Tem um sentido de referência a alguma coisa, (em geral depreciador).

Ex.: a) As for Brenda’s bad behavior during our meetings, we won’t tolerate anymore.

b) … and as for those boring meetings with Carlos, forget them. He was fired last week.


1 - Complete os espaços com a devida preposição.

a) After years of reclusion I can address you once more ______ the president of this nation.

b) Why don’t you stop the child from throwing things ______ our bedroom? It’s a mess.

c) _____ a member of this institution, you should partake our meetings more regularly.

d) I love to teach this class. _____ the morning group, I have to admit my reservations.

e) “What time do you get home?” “Pretty late, ______ midnight.”

f) I loved India when I went there last year. _____ the food, I couldn’t stand it.

g) In the future a personal spacecraft will cost ______ £ 325.000.

h) Cigarette smoking and high blood pressure are seen by researchers ____ the main cause of heart attacks.

2 - Coloque estas palavras na ordem correta para formar frases com sentido.

a) Money / I / as for / love / work / the / can’t / same / say / I


b) Around / streets / strolling / exercise / these / wonderful / a / is


c) He / as / player / competition / the / of / best / category / his / the / finished


d) Composer / she / but / singing / forget / should / as for / is / Ann / lovely / a / it / with / band / the


e) House / didn’t / if / I’d / noon / have / to work / until / around / I / the / sleep


f) Jane / Tomorrow / leather / as / manager / the / of / department / starts / the


g) Andy / kids / a tutor / working / learning center / for / is / as / in a.


h) Waiting for / spent / around / Pam / boyfriend / an hour / his /.


3 – Refaça estas frases usando a preposição adequada: AROUND, AS ou AS FOR. A primeira já está feita.

a) Johnny works for an Air Line. He’s a flight attendant.

Johnny works for an Air Line as a flight attendant.

b) I went to bed nearly 11:00 last night.


c) Holding hands, enclosing the little child, I could count eight Indians.


d) Talking about your brother, he doesn’t need our help. Isn’t he the bad boy?


e) We should arrive at the train station a little after 2:00 pm.


f) In the capacity of the leader of this group, I have the last word.


g) Susan can’t speak a word during the class; Janet just follows suit


4 - Tente agora compor três frases com a preposição AROUND usando diferentes aplicações. Consulte a lista.






a) as b) around c) as d) as for e) around f) as for g) around h) as


a) I love money. As for work, I can’t say the same.

b) Srolling around these streets is a wonderful exercise.

c) He finished the competition as the best player of his category.

d) Ann is a lovely composer. As for singing, she should forget it.

e) If I didn’t have to work around the house I’d sleep until noon.

f) Jane starts tomorrow as the manager of the leather department.

g) Andy is working as a tutor in a learning centre for kids.

h) Pam spent around an hour waiting for his boyfriend


b) I went to bed around 11:00 last night.

c) Holding hands, around the little child, I could count eight Indians.

d) As for your brother, he doesn’t need our help. Isn’t he the bad boy?

e) We should arrive at the train station around 2:00 pm.

f) As the leader of this group, I have the last word.

g) Susan can’t speak a word during the class. As for Janet, she just follows suit.

4- Respostas variam

Professor Edgard Santos
Enviado por Professor Edgard Santos em 04/07/2015
Reeditado em 05/07/2015
Código do texto: T5299730
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro