Someday a man told me about good and bad things that would remain in life to confuse us that could simply complete us simply perhaps by their realities that make us feel love for things or hate for the feelings that our thoughts would always attribute to us that we would never really understand all the challenges generated by life in circumstances of classification that prove us good or bad that we could only educate ourselves a little more with all the discrepancies and conflicts that always unfold in society that lead us to despair to avoid the reasons to feel like a man for certain things that may not be logical to us or deserve our role or dilemma to recognize ourselves because of certain foolishness of youth that always reveals itself constantly when we are emptying ourselves in the face of the desire to conquer something better or something higher that makes us happier and gives us a taste for life because he told me that life was only what we do and what we connect with because then we would be truly living and learning from life simply about its nuances and expressions commonly of taking advantage of our reasoning about our desires and that the world would perhaps be itself that the lesser ones can believe in god above all things in heaven and that we should remain winged our wills and courage that makes us feel love for life and love for knowledge to know the world better and greater over all the challenges and hidden affections that we simply do not recognize god deeply and that perhaps it is within each one of us is making us feel tastes and challenges about humanity that makes us believe in the suffering of life to always be almost all detached from the root that makes up life and would be god a character much more to cling to all of us by its existence over our fantasies that repress us both taste and desire to recognize and believe in the foolishness of the world and so on one day a man spoke to me of good and bad things that would remain in life to confuse us that could simply complete us.

By: Roberto Barros