You know... You have no interest in me, in my work or in who I am as an employee, as a person. You're interested in numbers... Numbers! Always the damn numbers. That's what matters to you, actually. (T) I've been working in this place for years and you've never been truly interested in what I can do. You were only interested in the results: Numbers. (T) But It doesn't scare me that you're like this. The whole world is like this. Bank balance, stock market, number of followers, how many people can I win over for my campaign? How many girls can I have sex with in one night? Numbers, numbers, numbers, just the fucking numbers! (T) And now that your numbers have dropped, you ask me how am I doing? (T) I don't know what to answer you, Bill. (T) You ignored all the reports that I sent you warning of the problems that I was seeing here. You ignored me every time I invited you for a coffee, a cup of coffee to talk over. You ignored me when I tried to show you something new that I was developing for this company. You ignored every time I tried to show you that I could do more for you. (T) And now you want to know how I'm doing? (T) Well... I'll tell you how I am, Bill: I'm 3 steps away from conquering the place that I always wanted by your side. The place you knew I really, really, really wanted, but you... Ignored. (T) And I'm about 10 minutes late from disappearing from your eyes and from your company forever. Excuse me... Have a nice day, Bill.
Business Card