Ways to measure success are a huge challenge. The idea of being successful is usually connected with money, power and be influential. The central question is how to achieve the success, and the tenets or myths involved. At first it is important to define the idea of success. There is no problem in considering successful the person that achieves emotional balance, and is happy, but do not put away the tri angle of being successful mentioned at the beginning of this text; it is essential have money, be powerful and be influential.

Although it may be the real life nowadays, it is important to think about the ways to reach the success. There is not a consensus about tenets to be successful. Working hard, being lucky, being smart, having a singular idea; these are some tenets.

Explaining the factors involved on that, Content Team (2016) affirms that there are eight special aspects to be valued as tenets although the certain of the impossibility of a magical formula be sure where do you want to get; love your work; learn to motivate yourself; reinvent yourself every day; always remind the importance of networking; your partners and you are a team; accept risks; be persistent.

Adding tenets idea, Rodrigues (2023) presents another point of view as an aspect to be considered by the society: focusing on the importance of failing and learn ing with mistakes or bad decisions the author emphasizes that success is about keeping trying; do not give up even if not achieve the objective immediately.

However, the theme is not only about tenets but about myths. Half (2022) says that individual skills and aspects should be considered and mention an Albert Schweitzer’s suggest ion: if you love what you do you will be successful.

As a final reflection about tenets and myths, according to Ituassu and Tonelli (2012), is the need to review the conception of success avoiding an individual or competitive style of life. Careful analysis demonstrates that the society is sick. The more powerful you are, the more successful you are considered. People are living in their individual world getting involved with the reach or repercussion of their posts in social media.

In sum, there are no rules; some tenets may be myth and some myths may become tenets. The main aspect is knowing yourself and your desires. Do not follow others’ opinions only to be famous. Being successful is more that to be rich or powerful.


CONTENT TEAM. 8 princípios e comportamentos básicos para ter sucesso profissional. Avaiable on: <,interagir%20junto%20aos%20profissional/#:~:text=Fa%C3%A7a%20o%20que%20sempre%20fez,interagir%20junto%20aos%20seus%20superioresseus%20superiores>. Accessed on: 12 maio 2024.

HALF, Robert. O que é o sucesso para você? Robert Half Solutions. Março, 2022. Avaiable one: <>. Accessed on:13 maio 2024.

ITUASSU, Cristina Trindade; TONELLI, Maria José. Notas sobre o conceito de sucesso: sentidos e possíveis (re)significações. Ensino e Pesquisa em Administração. RAM, Rev. Adm. Mackenzie 13 (6). Dez 2012. Avaible on: <>. Accessed on: 12 maio 2024.

RODRIGUES,Erik. O que é sucesso? Veja uma perspectiva diferente sobre o assunto. El Hombre. 2023. Avaiable on: <>. Accessed on: 20 maio 2024.

Sobre a autora: FIALHO, Clarissa Mont’Alvão. Graduanda em Letras – Inglês / Licenciatura, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). Graduada em Direito, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Writed in May, 2024.