IN: 18/SET/2007 – 05:42:33H



HISTORICAL: I never believed in the only love in this life... And I do not believe... There are nine years I was loving Patrician of an almost idolatrous form... Perhaps I have not noticed his defects, me them she saw mine... Family, religion and everything it more was between us and so that love was ended... She got married... And I also... His son Luan Was born... And my beloved I adopt Leon... Finally, everything walked for the separation of the destinies... What really happened in 25 of June now when I knew a person who changed my life: Grasielly Machado, a writer, a woman of fiber and unprecedented, however reality with virtues and faults what I could love well without safeguards... His words, his way, his soul... Something the only and unprecedented what made me revise concepts and launching up everything what was not me doing well... God wants to bless this feeling... So I ask every night, to each touch, to each message, to each "Hello"... Finally, I feel to be surviving the second and last love of my life... It had taken what is eternal up to the end of my days...



“ I hardly turn the back and you betray me with other one

Which type of love is this?

Though we have nothing of physicist, it would be respect the feeling ... ”

With these words she began to shut a goodbye in



Which times then did I understand that if fulcrava in his medos

In the cowardice... In the abstention to an own one to feel...

And the pain was made a present

To each day in these last nine years... And since I cried!



Softly on the inside

Finding in others the pleasure of moment

In the alcohol the courage that soon was passing

The light what more it was obscuring of what any alternative



A marriage came... I swore to give love

I came receiving also

But the flowers usually die when not watery

And the emptiness took care...



Up to what one day... One to click what it revolutionized

And someone who transcends appeared... Of nothing... But with everything

It was she... The predestined person...

A prophecy that was carried out... I felt fear...



It wanted to fight... I renounced, in vain, the obvious thing

Then I surrendered... I Gave myself up to the feeling without being afraid

A dream that came from the south... For my heart

And for the east, west and north of my will...



Trial, then, appeared... Tears that rolled just like rivers of blood

When two are still fortifying more with certainties hearts geographically separate

The passion dedicated itself love

Perhaps eternal, definite and possible...



So it is my saga... It wants to have happy end

It had taken that yes

Since a man whom so much he loved needs to be worthy

                         I think that now, essentially, my time arrived...