Pebbles and understading (“SHE said…” # 15)

This “SHE said …” is about Nature and what it gives us . The majority of the human beings usually consider the ‘pebbles’, for instance, insignificant… Others, who really see them, develop their sentiments and thoughts in such a way, they become transcendental.

The ‘miracle of life’ restarts itself every single morning.

Blessed are those who have such understanding and thank the Lord for this always renewed opportunity,

to follow HIS Sacred Lessons – being happy and helping others to become happy – as also…

Nature is a constant spectacle of beauty … even the humblest of the pebbles, if viewed with the ‘eyes of the soul’, may raise our thoughts to parameters that can only reached by those who feel in themselves – and everything around them, the Divine Presence.

Mirna Cavalcanti de Albuquerque Rio de Janeiro, 08 de Junho de 2012.