Everything that man creates and produces the fruit of what he feels and is intrinsically linked to the result, then the results are only the reflection of many different impulses, nothing is created nothing is done it is simply converted to create laws is like a machine which was invented by someone and this analysis about the invention and production continued progress being made in the time it is also a machine similar means ...

The man gave meaning to everything that exists, then the "speculation" about what exists is the result of conditioning to how to feel and understand everything. We build an invention and try to prove that the same is true across the cultural construction * and this word encompasses everything that concerns the human production and their sub divisions. Can you understand that once we let ourselves get involved in that we are placing limitations because we fruits mere perception of a sensitive natural according to our understanding of mechanisms and "sensitive." And the brain with the ability to apprehend and prosecute would also not be the sensitivity of the senses like the tentacles of the tentacles? Everything I say now is the result of a state of deep depression because I am ashamed and disgusted to write. We all have the same feelings and perceptions and what I say now will still be repeated endlessly in the collective consciousness and seamlessly ene times and endlessly. The muses as unique form of artistic motivation are not art in itself: you need a silly romantic way to see with your eyes in love with her feelings created, it got a distorted result: a description of the muse made by Buster and then studies and about the production illogical. Make up the building so by passing to other individuals of the object of study (after the muse of view). If there is no way to connect us to our natural order can not explain what can happen, maybe nothing, but there is no risk of having other indirect understanding of existence that is not similar to "rocks." There is a mental block here because this existence is intelligible to our understanding and I believe that this blockade is due to annihilation of the ancient existence today that does everything to keep, after all, her only goal is to continue in the addictive motion to stay, so we fear death, and fear of leaving this stage is not progressing to death but for another movement that is not dependent on life in the form of foundation or main priority for you.

It's funny because it is very subjective, do not seek light to brighten the path and instead illuminate the eyes and my face, so disdain the pursuit, leaving only the way that only tells where and how they can repeat the action that leads to everything less the answer. We must first of all clear the very front and find a way to reach the desired destination without moving, and so do not get stuck in addictive quest that leads nowhere. The answer is already planted in being, not only can the correct way to codifying it so that we can decode their meaning. All the knowledge we have today is the result of a progression from cultural values and religious activities stimulated by the question asked natural order of our universe. If we lived in another reality / dimension would have developed another form of intelligibility or perhaps a form of knowledge material / "materilível." It is not difficult to create another line of development for humanity, just destroy everything and start again, but this need conditions and have powers that go beyond my reach, but can still develop and implement a project "pilot" in some underground cavern, but the development process would be slow and would need to develop a functional mechanics quite sturdy and sophisticated with laws irrevocable self sufficiency.

It's really quite strange, one person's use of the XXI century reformulations of the natural order as a means of improving the search for a break with the ways of understanding the world trying to create another order idealized and not fitting is not possible to both its justification in the present and future, but only possible in the past, so it should be imposed so catastrophic as Armageddon. Just as we were imposed a condition / situation for surgíssemos you must create a condition / situation to create something better or higher, we can still be water or whatever that strange liquid, with something like something like dust and heat, probably generated the first living things. If life could have arisen from a tiny cosmic soup we can still be the factor that could offer a new story and a new "reality" that is even real truth or the opposite of that farce in the form of culture we have developed so far.

Enviado por jonnez em 14/05/2010
Reeditado em 11/06/2010
Código do texto: T2256581
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