Libertarian Spiritism

"Libertarian Spiritism" is a groundbreaking work that challenges traditional notions of Spiritism, presenting a radically new and independent perspective. In this book, Leonardo Moreno offers a viewpoint that diverges significantly from the doctrine established by Allan Kardec. He argues that the human spirit is not bound by predetermined cycles of reincarnation or immutable karmic laws. Instead of adhering to a fixed path of spiritual evolution, Moreno champions individual autonomy and free will as fundamental elements in crafting a unique and authentic spirituality. Moreno's approach is both critical and daring, exploring the possibility of freeing individuals from the constraints of spiritual dogmas. He encourages a search for meaning and purpose that originates from within each person, without reliance on spiritual intermediaries or limiting beliefs. "Libertarian Spiritism" integrates ideas from Albert Camus's Absurdism, Stoicism, and Mindfulness, offering a spirituality that embraces the absurd, self-knowledge, and voluntary personal development. The book provides tools for individuals to forge their own paths, unburdened by external impositions. Readers will find deep reflections on spiritual freedom, the role of consciousness in earthly life, and a novel understanding of the spirit, all presented in complete independence from traditional religious paradigms.
Espiritismo Libertário
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Espiritismo Libertário
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