New friends Will always come


What remains in the end...

In the end, there is a bitter taste in the mouth, a taste that life could be different.

In the end, there is a hopelessness for the chances that we absentmindedly missed for fear of making a mistake.

A new horizon will always appear each morning.

"It is honorable for a man to avoid arguments, But any fool will get involved in them."

(Practical manual of life)

Just be a pretender, and life will follow its course.

Pretending is more practical to face life, without feeling the weight of the armor, necessary in battles.

"I feel happier simply being myself and letting others be themselves."

(Carl Rogers)

'You have damaged my heart.

It no longer believes in anything or anyone.'

I wish life were a straight line.

It - the road of life - is full of shortcuts and detours.

"Many people today also have to deal with mental health problems, whether their own or someone they love." ('Mental Health' Magazine)

I have nothing to give to anyone. Not even myself. I have nothing to say to anyone. Not even meaningless words. I don't even have a hug to wrap someone up in.