PATHS, detours and shortcuts


Paths are routes that are traced deep in the mind.

Paths can be illusions, mirages, fantasies.

It is possible to break what destroys us.

It is possible to renew what ages us.

"Wine is a mocker, and drunkenness is unruly; He who goes astray by them is not wise."

(Practical manual of life)

THINK about the color you want to paint your life, and don't wear sunglasses.

NEW friends will come.

A new horizon will always appear each morning.

"I understand myself well.

I am not happy.

I am even very sad."



EVERY morning is infinite with new possibilities.

"Use your money well...

A crisis can increase unemployment or decrease wages. Disasters can cause damage or destroy commercial establishments, homes and other assets, leaving many in poverty." (Magazine | 'A world in crisis')

Life is like a winding river, it goes around the barriers that cannot be overcome.

From the source, pure, clean, invigorating waters will always flow.

From the sky, rain will bring back the water that has already gone.

Life is a cycle.

It is up to us to make it a virtuous cycle, not a vicious cycle.