Distracted hearts


There is nothing to fear if our heart is still whole.

ENOUGH of meaningless crying.

"My son, if you stop listening to discipline, You will stray from the declarations of knowledge."

(Practical manual of life)

THERE IS NOTHING TO FEAR if we are content with what we have managed to achieve in life.

There is nothing to fear if we have learned to survive hurts, frustrations and disappointments.

There is no way to fear the time that has passed, the life we did not live, the misfortune that never reached us.

I am already that well that dried up, that road that never reached its end.

I am already that promise that was never fulfilled, that friend who left without saying goodbye.

"Joy is in the struggle, in the attempt, in the suffering involved and not in the victory itself." (Mahatma Gandhi)

There is nothing to fear if our fears do not paralyze us.

There is nothing to fear if we are sheltered even in the midst of the most terrible storm.


"Schedule a reasonable time to go to sleep and stick to it. Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day."

(Magazine | 'A World in Crisis')