I think the world has to unite deeply as long as there is no true love that catches us in disguise about perhaps a simple adventure of our wills that perhaps is not realistic as it should be and that we only see from the material side and forget to we see with our soul because perhaps life has its challenges that are inexplorable and inexplicable. We admit the truth about the compression that lives on the more challenged and socialist side, which are not things to deserve and recognize in the face of a tremendous emotional storm that we are subject to. to the folly and unconsciousness of the will that gives us, through a simple invalidity, a certain personal disorder that makes us minimize good moral concepts and sentimental acts that are born from the primal conscience to favor dynamism over the high controls of life that is normal and there is simplicity to be had. unite each other that we can certainly believe in the strength of love and its power to know itself because I think that all things in life are simply morbid because the meaning of nature is perhaps to try to build and destroy between both things of paradise as a relativity and reaction of life and death because the universe can be parallel between two missions regarding the construction of the world that everything started from nothing and we can understand its aspects and transformations between the creation of life and the destruction of death that we should by a simple notion of human being, being pieces of the great cosmic universe, we can achieve this competition in which in everything and for everything we certainly seek things, both material and spiritual, at the bottom of this trajectory in which we can return to chaos as a more simplified and optimized feeling of love and hate that was when things were done and accomplished about life and thus the world originated and the human being obstructed a feeling and a thought of agreement and bankruptcy that here now we can understand that the world by nature was never perfect and that we are a metaphor of this in everything and for everything and thus we designate high esteem as perhaps pleasure and low disesteem as displeasure and life perhaps is or is based on two assumptions that makes the mind of a being love or hate and thus perhaps some One day we can understand deeply and relatively about love as modesty between two personal personalities that we experience through the good fortune of meeting someone and the dispersion of rejecting that person, leaving love as a reflection and contravention of certain habits, moods, uncertainties, displeasure and momentary things that relatively everything can be related in a chemical process of a life-creating existence that perhaps through any struggle and displeasure of feeling about living and full consciousness we can actually effectively favor true love and I think that nothing is perfect in this world and that we recognize the true love coming from God that may have completed us in another story from the Bible in the wake of physics that perhaps we can have a better feeling about the human being and merely understand him about all the things we venture and God is more confident of this relationship that would be better perhaps or out of education we really believe in love because obviously everything that God did or created was with love and if we are children of God we are likeness of God and we can over everything and everyone and love perhaps has its purposes that correctly or relatively is or is present in the soul of the human being as simple emotions of the mind that makes us live and die at the same time, this self-will that becomes inappropriate, dispensing with us some social disorders as submission to teach and weaken man's beautiful imagination and conquest over life and I think that everything is a reaction and submission of the adventurous love that will be as crazy tomorrow as the crazy hate that will also be adventurous tomorrow and so perhaps we will understand and combine ourselves in a relationship of struggle as nature itself favors us as much as it takes us to continue to living and loving one's life and love is a reaction of struggle against a desire appreciated and favored by an existence of the will. Perhaps we can one day truly exist without trouble and courage, truly on a psychological factor, true love. Have you ever loved someone? Hugs and a kiss to everyone from writer and psychoanalyst Roberto Barros.

By: Roberto Barros