Now belongs to me


...tomorrow belongs to no one.

"It is not good to punish the just, And flogging honorable people goes against what is right."

(Manual of good living)

Today is the place where I make my dreams come true.

Tomorrow we don't know what our dreams will become.

Today I need to open my eyes and notice the imperceptible hidden traps.

Tomorrow I will have already stumbled, maybe there will be no more concert.

Today is the time to talk about what I keep in my chest.

Tomorrow perhaps the person will already be inaccessible.

Don't procrastinate what's a priority.

Don't let opportunities get lost in time.

Don't allow the present friend to become distant.

Don't let your fears form an unbreakable chain.

"In some cases you may feel that paying a fine is simply suffering an unfair penalty."

(Reference Work)

Today is the day to have the attitude that can transform my life.

Tomorrow can make my life uncontrollable.

"Come on!

I want to tell you no secret

I'm talking about this floor in our house

Come on, it's time to tidy up."

(Beto Guedes|Ronaldo Bastos)