Innovation is rekitting The flame


...I often lost my way, never my direction.

I prefer the unknown to absolute certainty.

Uncertainties make you grow. Certainties accommodate you.

It is definitely impossible to know humanity.

My loves abandoned me so suddenly that I didn't even have time to love.

Sentences are crazy, insane thoughts that hardly make sense.

When I say ‘yes’ I commit.

When I say ‘no’ I neglect it.

It's so easy to learn useless things.

“Wisdom is right before the discerning, But the eyes of the fool wander to the ends of the earth.”

(Manual of good living)

There isn't that much new to be said.

What I know about life is tiny than what I have to learn.

"Sages do not usually waste time idly, but must refer to instructions, questions and problems that discipline and train the mind and heart according to correct principles, thus preparing the learner for wise actions in the future."

(Reference Work)

I keep thinking, thinking, thinking, and I don't come to any conclusion.

"I learned... that the art of thinking is the treasure of the wise." (Augusto Cury)