Addiction to wanting you


My obsessions are points on your body.

I'm a maniac for depositing my desires in you.

I need you, to receive you with impunity, as an accomplice to my fantasies, as a guinea pig for my theories of wanting to experience the act of loving as an unlimited extension of the act of living, of the act of wanting.

I need to dawn in you every day of my life.

You are an accomplice in my foolishness, and I in your wisdom!

I have an addiction to wanting you, to revealing to yourself the girl-woman you are.

I have a desire to taste your impetuous nature, your naive sagacity, to taste the larvae of your soul, the intoxicating spring of your spirit.

I'm the guinea pig of your tomorrow:

I sacrifice my life to live yours!

I need to dawn in you every day of my life.

"From the fruits of his words a man is satisfied with what is good, And by the work of his hands he will be rewarded."

(Book of Wisdom)

Ex wife.

I still have cocoons.

I am in the learning process.

"Just as someone who starts gambling with little money is led to make increasingly larger bets to recover what he lost, the liar soon finds himself trapped in a vicious circle."

(Quote from Magazine)

I need to wrap myself around your dreams, protect myself in your wings, find myself.

"It's interesting how the game analogy can be applied to lying. Sometimes starting with a lie leads to more lies to support the initial story, creating a cycle that's hard to break."

(Internet Comment)