My reality

MY REALITY is in my hands.

Most beloved piece of me!

It was loving you like this with an absurd love that I discovered the sweet madness of loving...

The sun does not rise the same every day, because we are not the same, and nothing in the world is always the same.

"I turned my attention to wisdom, madness and foolishness."

(Life manual)

Only when life is not a joke does it become true.

"There are those who give generously and end up with more; Others refuse to give what they should and end up in poverty."

(Book of Wisdom)

Only when love is not a frivolous adventure does it have the possibility of being eternal.

"Of all the organs you have, the most amazing is probably the one you'll never see—your brain."

(Book about 'Happiness')


Loneliness is a pain that doesn't stop.

It's an abandonment that doesn't become company.

"We don't know anything."


My reality is what I make.

"Loneliness can be a painful experience, but it is often possible to find ways to cope and seek emotional support."

(Internet Comment)