Tô understand life


You need to have walked a little.

having experienced loneliness, abandonment, defeats and failures, disappointments and frustrations, love and betrayal. It is necessary to have seen injustices without being able to do anything. You have to have imagined love and never achieved it. You have to have dreams and see them completely collapse.

you have to desire a safe place and only find disappointment.

All time is a liar Of the long, short nights.

The night was long, sleep was brief.

"Do not rebuke a mocker, or he will hate you. Rebuke a wise man, and he will love you."

(Book of Wisdom)

If one day I smile, don't take my joy too seriously.

If one day you see me desperate, don't be distressed, all despair will end one day.

"Although the advice may seem painful, why should we retaliate or become defensive when accepting it will make us wiser?"

(Quote from Magazine)

If one day you see me silent, it wasn't the words that ended, it was the ideas that didn't emerge.

"Physically, we inhabit a space, but, sentimentally, we are inhabited by a memory."

(José Saramago)