Unusual dreams


"Unusual dreams can be like storms for the mind, filled with surprising images and scenarios that defy logic and reality. They can be intriguing and mysterious, leaving us curious about their meaning. Dream interpretation is a fascinating field, but often subjective."

(Internet Comment)

RECIPES FOR BEING LOVED. To be loved you have to open your heart. To be loved, we must allow others to penetrate our hearts. To be loved you have to leave yourself vulnerable. I insisted on wanting you!

I insisted on dreaming about you, you are no longer the same person I loved.

"[Wisdom says:] I have good counsel and practical wisdom. Understanding and power belong to me."

(Book of Wisdom)

I insisted on knocking on the same door that never opened, my whole life I knocked on a door and time passed suddenly and I lost it.

"Happy is the human being who has found wisdom. The fruits of wisdom include insight, understanding, and power—factors much needed."

(Quote from Magazine)

If we want to do well, we can only trust each other.

"Violence, whatever way it manifests itself, is always a defeat." (Jean-Paul Sartre)