

You know you are a real human being when you are able to love simple facts and conversations about the banal subjects of everyday life. I lived absentmindedly! Absently I believed in my competence, in the merit I would gain for being a hard worker. I believed that my good memory was intelligence, unfortunately it was just a good archive of information. I renew my ability to perceive new opportunities, in a place where I only see crises.

I learned more about surviving than being a winner.

"I, wisdom, dwell with prudence; I have found knowledge and reasoning."

(Book of Wisdom)

Our spontaneous acts reveal the person we are in the depths of our being, that part that only we know.

"Happy is the man who has found wisdom. The gifts that wisdom bestows on her listeners are more precious than gold, silver or coral."

(Quote from Magazine)

I learned that when we dive in the sea it is safe to come to the surface every now and then to breathe fresh air.

"There is something that repeats itself in your life, that is always the same, that is your truth." (Jacques Lacan)