About unforgettable friends

About unforgettable friends.


"Friendship is a love that never dies."

(Mario Quintana)

HAVING genuine friends protects us against those who want to harm us.

"I am not afraid of the ten thousand people who have set themselves against me by around me."

memories, even the most sublime smells.

we have lost the keen palate, the flavor of everything remains fascinating.

we have lost speed, the power remains intact.

we have lost reason, emotion is sovereign.

we have lost the word, imagination resists in its creativity.

we have lost clarity, even cloudy the light still warms us.

we lost wealth, people are more precious.

we lost certainties, they weren't that important.

We lost some friends, they weren't that sincere.

It was very silly, and I had to leave.

It was a lot of banality, and I had to smile.

It was a lot of anguish, and I had to go in search of peace.

The weapons against the evil that exists in the world is the strength of the sincere goodness of our heart.


(Stress Magazine)