educational changes

Suddenly everything changes in our lives, and as regards the question of our profession as teachers, educators (fitting all managers and employees).

Life profession of educator requires very often requires sacrífios that drive us to beat them, we leave our children with others, often grandparents, neighbors, and colleagues, but remembering that we are parents, and we must educate them, and in school studying knowledge must be acquired.

Now, I wonder, in the suffering of education professionals who teach classes in public schools, with no deficits that are from the issue of social inclusion, such as those with special needs, the issue of salary, which unfortunately is low, and we are each more devaluated day, and I feel upset because, educators and supervisors and leaders step in our head, wanting to crush us, and are also teachers, will they make so much difference, to teach in their schools, and require both in others?

Well, suppose we must act cautiously, with caution, changes should be made, but not radically, as this could arouse hatred, greed, disrespect, and fear. People are human beings need all about the world, mainly working in the public schools, it has parents who have the massacring doing in school just to criticize, our colleagues truly hurt us and the students, which unfortunately, I see by my children, and the colleagues who have age 12-19 years, often do not want to know the issue of knowledge, believe in your social networks, are learning, or their ideals milliners, like now with gender situation which should still be much discussed, teens are still immature to this issue, even in the matter of murders involving adolescents. This, not to mention the most disease are drugs, and we know, does not have a heavy investment in question, it is a problem of all of us: As educators, family and citizens.

So, I question why only professionals work within schools should be banned, they should be crucified?

Changes should happen but, noting that laws must be followed, such as accessibility, which is currently funadmental have bathrooms for people with special needs in all public or private distribution, but in case it is charged to the teacher that it is multiple in classroom for these children and adolescents, but is not given any educational and / or psychological support for teachers and students.

Not counting the adjustments in the classroom, and blocks schools are classrooms, and many public schools do not even have covers, only one cemented gray and full of holes.

Changes must from our leaders respect us teachers, and also our superiors, who forget that already had in class, would like to see the same a week teaching for semi literate children, who went to elementary school of the final series, which They do not want to listen to the teacher, and parents who fail to go to the meetings, and only care about the children to lose such a family purse. Disappointment I feel and I know many colleagues.

Changes should occur with our managers, be more true, tell the real that happens in a school, the charges suffering for us from his superiors, and make educational meetings, joining employees, even outsourced, organization of agents goes, and others to reflect together and verify changes.

Remember, here it is for the teacher to recover the student, not only depends on us to give continuous and parallel activities, but it is up to the student to do damage, and now the student is uninterested, unconcerned with the school. The student, it seems that is not part of that context.

So I want educational changes in our professional lives, yes, but that these changes are made gradually, with educational projects, such as tours and other activities that provide students and teachers more interaction, as we learn diverdindo us too.

Tereza Cristina Gonçalves Mendes Castro -

Education: Chemistry.

Currently: post holder EE Prof. Dr. Lauro Pereira Travassos and readapted for 2 years.

Observant of many educational events since 1988.

Teka Castro
Enviado por Teka Castro em 03/11/2016
Reeditado em 04/11/2016
Código do texto: T5812052
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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