XXI century. On March 6, 2010, Dr. Torsten Schmidt, a Dane working for the government of Iceland, near the island of Jan Mayen, a Norwegian island near the coast of Greenland, when followed with his team toward the coast of Norway , auditioning for oil prospecting in the area, managed to shoot a being mixed with the body of the human being and fish, as the mermaids of Danish fairy hovering in the imagination of those who read them in childhood. Surprising and interesting thing to note is that tales of mermaids existed by region.

Its main feature is a crest that runs from the forehead up to a point back like a fish. How the men were working for the Icelandic government, asked the authorities of environmental impact studies. But the officers refused and reminded about the privacy statement and had all the material confiscated as if they already knew of the existence of these beings in the region.

Before that it was known the episode of the meeting of one of these beings filmed by a kid on a fishing boat in the Adriatic Sea.

Dr. Paul Robertson, former biologist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA, of the United States, also found the presence of these beings when doing sonar testing by the United States Navy in the North Sea. These sonar tests were killing hundreds of fish and whales that appeared dead in the beaches and he believes these beings are also impacted by sonar testing. Contacted experts in the United States and Great Britain which in turn, also contested.

Headlines from the case of one of these beings who also appeared on the coasts of South Africa.

But the presence of these beings is old stuff. In the 1800, one "showman" in the United States, P. T. Barnum, created a museum of curiosities, the Barnums American Museum in New York City and an exhibition scheduled for the month of July 1865, more precisely on the 15th, where it would be exposed to "Fiji Mermaid" (a mermaid found in Fiji, in the Pacific Ocean) as the main attraction. Surprisingly on July 13th, a fire destroyed all the amazing Barnums Museum.

In 2010, the bicentennial year of P. T. Barnum, photos of the collection were found including the "Fiji Mermaid" that has incredible similarities to the creatures seen in the surveys of the coasts of Greenland, the North Sea and the Adriatic Sea.