Indigo and Crystal Children
Indigo or crystals children are known as "star children". It is believed that these children are increasingly present on Earth, even in our homes.
Indigo Children have always been on Earth, but it was after World War II and the 1970s, that the number became larger. There is an American study which indicates that since 1995, more than eighty percent of children born are Indigo. They reached the conclusion that the solar system revolves around a star named Alcyone, which is protected by an extensive layer of photons. The solar system has entered this photon belt since 1972, and currently the earth is immersed in photons, which may explain the molecular alteration of the people who live there. In two years the earth will be completely immersed in light, photons, therefore, for the Hindus, the times to come are called "Age of Light". With this, people will have their energy centers more open, will remember their origins and will explore all the mysteries of the universe. The "veil of forgetfulness" that surrounds the planet will fall, the first Seed of Life on Earth shall return from other planets to form a new civilization.
Indigo Children are coming to help in this transformation, which will be social, cultural, educational, family and spiritual. These children are beyond the intellectual level - they question and act, seeking to transform the rigid institutions that surround them, are designed to break down barriers. They are special children who decided to incarnate on Planet Earth with a mission to fight and detonating systems. In the 1970s, the Indigo children arrived as the generation fighter, which sought to change the old systems, in the 1980s, the Indigos have come with greater spiritual sensitivity, and since the 1990s, they are coming in the company of Crystals children, which are spiritual warriors. These children are considered the hope for a better future for thePplanet.
Indigos are recognized for their creativity, sensitivity and spirituality, which are reflected in their behavior. They are very intelligent and question everything. They know they are special and it came to do something special. Until parents learn they are being taught and learn to respect the right of the child's choice, they will continue to be faced with power struggles and battles of will. They do not like school and are extremely loyal to friends, and they are hyperactive and are easily distracted. The main characteristic of Indigos is that they get easily irritated in situations of authoritarianism.
The Crystal Children follow the Indigo Children, and they are the next step in human evolution. The main mission of a Crystal Child is to teach the ways of life muiltidimensional in harmony, peace and love. They can read a person's soul and recognize all the pain and unresolved anger that person carries in his subconscious. They have the power of a Master of the Sixth Dimension, therefore, are very powerful. Besides reading the energy field of a person, they can move objects, read books without opening them, and communicate telepathically.
The fundamental principle behind this way of life sought by these children is the Consciousness Unification. They can live this dimensional and spiritual unification, they are the future.
Crianças Indigo e cristal. Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 07 de junho de 2010
As crianças cristal. Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 07 de junho de 2010
Texto para o curso de Língua Inglesa IV - IBILCE/UNESP
june 09, 2010