Vila Madalena

The best district São Paulo is Vila Madalena

The best district São Paulo is Vila Madalena , told me my friend. It was forty years ago, when I went live in Santa Catharina. In time I don t’ knew this, but I say he was reason today. He said that he grew up in the neighborhood and always loves it a lot.

But Vila Madalena, at the time, was a neighborhood more residential with her quiet streets and lovely houses where the life was an atmosphere of calm owing to absence of cars of residents of other neighborhood that little ran here to want places of entertainment.

Today Vila Magdalena is full of the boutiques, a lot of handicrafts, and the night open a much talked bars that is one of the great attraction of the Vila Madalena .

There are several kind of restaurants: specially Italian, Chinese, Mexican,etc.

There are a lot of cultural spaces as: Theatres,Arts gallerie,Bookstore of Vila,Fenac etc.

If you like sports Vila Madalena to offer very academies and there is ACM. In the area public health we have a good health center.

In Vila Magdalena there are a lot of public schools and private schools, elementary and high schools. There is also one samba school, Hummingbird.

Vila Magdalena is near a lot of cultural spaces that fill cultural necessity as: USP, Ibirapuera, Masp, Space Unibanc ,Avenida Paulista, Sala São Paulo and another.

There are public hospitals of public health: Clinic Hospital,

If you are religious you can to frequent churches of different religions as: protestant, catholic, buddhist and another.

If you have problem that need to turn with an avocado you can go in forum of Vila Madalena in Purpurina Street .

In Vila Madalena happen every year in August a great party.It’ s a event that pleasing to the eye, ear, and palates because there are a lot of music, dance, craftmanship and typical food.