Pieces of my life

PIECES OF MY LIFE -My memories about fruits and vegetables.

The fruits and vegetables almost always remind me everything in my life. The grapes reminds me of my uncle, Domingo, that died there are many years ago. My Nilza’s sister had lived in his house for one year. So I thought he prefer her to other brother of her. We often went his house. When we went to visit him in the house, my uncle sometimes took a lunch of grapes and distributed to nephews, of course, my sisters and brothers. He distributed the grapes one a one. The last grape he gave with the lunch the Nilza. I was jealous of this insignificant action of his. My uncle also to cut a papaya and he give a piece for each one .So I every time eat papaya and grape I remember of my uncle Domingo.

When I eat apple, I bear Adair in mind, one friend that lived in front my house in Coimbra, my land town.

Once Adair got sick, her father took her to a doctor that lived in Viçosa because at the occasion, in my town there wasn’t a doctor. There he also bought the Argentina apples which weren’t at the time in Coimbra. In the house’s cousin there was only an apple tree. But these apples were very sour. I preferred Argentina apples to Brazilian apples. Now I prefer Brazilian apples. Adair skinned an apple well slowly and give me a little piece that I ate well slowly savoring each bite.

On one occasion Children’s day each student earned an apple offered by Group School. Today this fact is insignificant because almost everyone can eat an apple. But at that time, It was a great goody.

The apple is a fruit that take part in a child’s play. Two children hold each other hands with the two hands and stood up the hands and the children then got in line and since then had to pass under their hands. And while a child was passing they put down arms and the child took prey. So the two children that took prey her ask: “Pear or apple?” If she or he answered apple, they went to hell and if they answered pear, they went to the heaven. I think the person creator of the child’s play did association of the apple by the biblical text of Adam and Eve.

It is very matter disappear in our memories as time goes by. But there are someone staved forever.