My eyes hurt..

I always had sore eyes when I was working in the library. I wasn´t worried about it. Sometimes my colleague Bela said:

_You have to go to ophthalmologist.

My colleague Idê said:

_It can be glaucoma. My eyes are very hot.

So I went next day to the ophthalmologist.

When the doctor examined my eyes, he told me I had an ulcer in one of my eye and that I could see less with that eye. He covered my ey

I left the doctor office very worried about the diagnosis. I came back home and cried a lot. I was scared stiff blinded due the ulcer in my eye.

When I went back to library I told the fact to my colleagues.

So my colleague Bela asked:

_Which doctor treated you? I showed her the prescription. So she said:

-This doctor used to make mistakes. He treated my grandson and said that he would get blind. My grandson had an accident while he played with one short bomb. I advice you to look for other doctors.

I went to the practice of three doctors. The last doctor gave me a prescription and said.

_You should keep this prescription very well. You don´t need to come back here. This is only an allergy. After that, all my family had confidence only on him. After nineteen years I went back there to as for a prescription. I was farsighted. I needed to glass. So the doctor said:

_You wore nineteen years without coming here?!

_Yes, doctor. I followed your advice. I kept very well the prescription.