There are things you'll understand in the time.

My uncle and aunt lived in a small house near the train track in Coimbra, Minas Gerais.

The house was very small but I thought very beautiful and cozy. It had two bedrooms, a room, and a kitchen. One of the bedrooms my aunt sewed. She was a dressmaker.My uncle worked out. He builds fences, planted small farms. They lived happy.

In front of house there was a garden and a ravine covered with moss and flowers. When I was a child I loved to play in the ravine and to pick flowers. Sometime I arrived there on Sunday afternoon and went away at night.

One day there happened a fact that finished with our child's play in my uncle's house. They were obliged to move house. This happened because after a thunderstorm a bamboo fence that was at the back of the backyard was knocked by wind.

A sunny afternoon my uncle was to build the new bamboo fence. But he started to build the fence, he was obliged to stop because his neighbor told him he didn't build the fence in the same place of the other that had knocked by the wind.

So they went to the registry office to the border exact of the two lands. They need the exact measurements of the land of two lands.

There they knew that my uncle didn't have deed.

My uncle was fooled by the seller.

So the neighbor paid the cost of the house, but it was impossible to pay to great sentimental value.

So my uncle and my aunt had to move from there. They moved all their things to mother's house where my uncle lived until he died.

We only understan the reason for my uncle change of house after a lot of years.