A special person

He was tall, thin, with gray hair, had fair skin, wore glasses.

He met him in Álvaro Guerra Library in Pinheiros when I was to work there.

He work as an office boy.He, in his spare time, planted foliages and fruit trees in the garden of the library.

In the bookcases of the library there were a lot of foliages thar were planted in tin, flowerpot, bottle of plastic. The people who attended the library were sometimes delighted with the large number of flowerpot that Domênico took care of the flowerpot with a lot of love.

Another noble habit of Domênico was whole blessed day to give a candy to the employes of the library. It was sacret. He aldo didn't start the work without saying a prayer in front of the image of Mother of God.

After lots of years for work with Domênico, I asked him why he never failed to give a candy to colleagues. He told me that he made a promise to sweeten the mouth of the people who worked with him.

When Domênico was seventy years old he had to retire.He was feeling bad because he didn't want to leave the work in the library. We also didn't want his dismissal but it was the law. I never knew a person as affective as Domênico.

There are unforgetable people in our lives and Domênico was one of them.

Enviado por Atiz em 06/03/2009
Código do texto: T1471980
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro