Nonsense's Zuleika.

Zuleika attended Letras Arts Faculty Usp. But she was a little aplied student in the English course.

In the composition class she almost didn't write. So this was her more umpleasant class because always the teacher as soon as started in classroom wrote in the blackboard a subject and about half an hour after asked somebody to read the composition.

Zuleika was always anguished because she wasn't able to write.

In one of the classes, the teacher wrote in the blackboard the title of the composition: An unforgettable moment.

Zuleika as usual was looking a clean sheef of paper and didn't write anything.

The teacher probably was observing her and decided to call her to read the composition.

The teacher said:

_Zuleika, read your composition.

Zuleika answered althought thinking:

-I don't remember.

The class burst out laughing when heard Zuleika' s nonsense:

_I don't remember.

. The teacher also laughed a lot.

The sentence sounded like an echo because the class was repeating: I dont remember...