Do you think it is possible to forget all about an interesting person as Guimarães Rosa?

Once I dreamed I was at the catholic church and had in my hands a Guimarães Rosa book. In my dream, I thought that the book was Grande Sertão: Veredas.I didnt't see the tittle of it because there were two volumes and I had only the second one. The book was very old and its pages were yellow and almost falling apart.

In my dream I had to go in front of the altar where the priest was celebrating the mass in order to present everything about the book and about the writer.

The church was full of people that came to participate in the celebration.

I was in trouble because I had forgoten everything about Guimarães Rosa and I thought that if I had the first volume I might find something about the writer in the book preface.

Then without the first volume the unique alternative even was to try to remember.

I tried very hard but I couldn't remember anything. So I turned the pages in order to find some of the character's names on it. I hoped that something could come back to my mind. But it a waste of time because I couldn't find a character and I was already worried about my presentation. I felt that my sources of research had finished, my patience was running out and I was very nervous.

A young girl was called to read a payer. Then I felt less nervous because I could have more time to remember something.

But the best thing had already happened. I woke up. What a relief!

something could come back to my mind. But it was a waste of time because I couldn't

Enviado por Atiz em 01/03/2009
Reeditado em 21/11/2023
Código do texto: T1463236
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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