Zuleika's dream.

Zuleika dreamed that she was in a beach and she was surprised because the waves were immense and blue but the weather was very good. While she was watching the waves and their color she turned herself into a big bird.

So she started to fly over the ocean and saw an island. She got down to the island and got the human hape again.

She walked along the island and saw a great house. She got into the house and went into huge room. That room had a large table and there were a lot of men sat down around it. They were arguing about philosophy. Zuleika became interested in the subject, so she sat with them and started talking too. Zuleika took part in the discussion.

After a few minutes she ask them how they knew philosophy if they lived on an island where there weren't schools.

They said that they went out of the island to study. Some of them came back and other never returned. Sunddenly they heard a noise and went out. On the island it was happening a popular party. There were a lot of people in the streets. Zuleika and they started to dance. From that moment, Zuleika woke up.

Enviado por Atiz em 27/02/2009
Reeditado em 24/06/2009
Código do texto: T1460102
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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