Olinda February 17, 2021

Dear and distinguished friends of Brian Dunbar's official NASA National Aeronautical and Space Administration, I come to this office with a lot of respect and honesty to send you context and questions asked by me that show a relationship in which my activities as a writer for a very called good corner of the letters in which dissimulo several issues and ideologies that show my most findável and promotional role for all to see my point of view you can understand where they are even infected all theeducational purposes in which we sow life among various and fearless ideas about the notion of the human being in life that may be entitled to such functions that would not allow it to be destroyed by the free arbitrator of the human being who is on a more dressed, able to to live that for certain and deserted incapacities they could have consulted better the scope to evolve in the planet earth in which we could hide any more prudent and effective biological questionsthe human relationship of the life of the human being with animals that we can exalt a good reasoning between the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms that we pass from small living beings that we are fatally apprehending and conquering every day our planet that looks like our voracious wills and dedication that we ourselves can narrate certain opinions between our planet and living beings because I think we are sweeping a field too solid to believe in the existence of life because I believe that we weaken our wills about such consequences that we could simply say how much we are selfish with ourselves in that the planet could understand the will and function of our knowledge that are giving us life and death to such consequences in which we may someday understand the better origin of being alive even than perhaps falling apart in various conquests that simply are more esoteric dreams that make us believe about such existences in terms of nature is showing us closely its collateral effects and functions on the planet itself, which is expanding on the collateral effects of its existence on various destructions of the human being who does not think and rewards at every turn its role in life which is on the virtues and greed of ambition that in physics in relation to its construction it would be its own end as a failure, destruction over various dilemmas of evolution and contradiction that the human being may understand perhaps among its triple aspect in which we can also unveil its knowledge and support that makes us sufferers today perhaps of some heroine in distortion with the relationships of life in which the human being can restrain himself, act and survive certain disseminations between time and space that we now total in a period of vast time, a path that we followed behind some response in how much we only find infertilities that we may have harvested in the past and catch a cold in the future that we can still today believe that the world can be perfect in which people still avoid and undo between life and death desirable dreams in which it takes the human being to become aware ten of his time of birth until maturity over uncertain ironies that time shows us the how much we do and the land obliges us to establish certain doctrines between perhaps the way of living and relating to nature in which the human being shows his devastating role that does not even make me think of the monkey time that perhaps we could have effectively shown more love and affection about our planet that gave us life and that today is in extinction perhaps because it establishes false rules that define the true inconsequential value between human and animal that supposedly can favor us on certain occasions when it would only fit us between understanding and extinct of preserving our lives better as we strengthen the dark side of life that cannot be more aware of the true value of being hum a year that makes us dusk perhaps our days amidst a world of wars between a challenge between terrible beasts and human machines to undo in the human being and in his life his sick actions in what nature consumes us by the deconstructions created supposedly in a small interval of time and in a short space called an atom that in a smaller fraction of an element and capable of entering into a combination, a short space and a time when perhaps we can still witness the construction of life between a universal relativity in which life was made in a smaller fraction of an element and the human being is unchallenged with its artificial dynamics which, due to its own ignorance, could almost not be able to conquer the space that perhaps it can tell us, it can make us understand why to live and that nature would be just a reaction of the life that is clearly being unleashed by living beings that are unavoidable against perhaps the highest and most ambitious way of thinking about the poor planet the one that expands at each moment of circulatory and vibrational life in circumstances of life and death, making us understand that we could reap something better between both things devoid of ambition and the vanishing disappearance of perdition and that one day everything may conform to the existence of life in mere distraction that makes man die early amid the sin of knowledge or the indiscreet ignorance that still shows itself socialized to the world that closes within four walls for the inhumans who try to discourage and disenfranchise their own existence when nature reflects them.and give us abundance to our pleasures and deforestation would perhaps be an enviable cause of the human being who can someday understand the superlative effect that consumes us between great earthquakes, burning of the soil and forests that burn because of the flora and the terrible deforestations that damage the flora and fauna causing the biodiversity of life and even today we seek to improve the ecosystem if we have to protect nature against fearless robberies of the human being who is innocent in how large industries spill over rivers large amounts of chemicals that are absorbed in the water of the seas and rivers causing the death of many fish and marine animals and the human being maintaining and industrializing their wills that in future only went from viravoltas destemeis of nature because the ozone layer in cellular respiration and also use up oxygen and carbon dioxide is released . We cannot forget yet that oxygen, under the action of the sun's ultraviolet rays, gives rise to ozone , which forms the ozone layer and today we wonder how man was the moon to show us what the world is like and we can only of dreamers of the future that we plant here what we harvest among perhaps certain more evolved human beings of human nature that makes us understand that we are returning perhaps between various countries to the beginning of the world, that is the most confused big bang that among so many scientific theories we can understand the cause or side effect that defines and refines us between life, perhaps more between time and space, making life more dense that we can productively eliminate every feeling and bad mood in the soul that we can disseminate the unrealities with the realities that make us confused in the social environment where hardly we believe in education that would be the most educational and constitutional for for human development and nature makes us die due to more cons man's knowledge of life and a slave to his own thought that someday they will learn to live and value their life in terms of the simple existence of their planet, which has always welcomed it among a world perhaps more captive of and insufficient of pleasures and devastating power than ever killed the human being in life about his inconsequential extortion and way of life and I want to talk about the space that always formalizes us, perhaps a time ceremony in which we know we are almost empty inside a planet that has always shown us where life originated and that its existence would in fact be the universe that specified our thoughts that someday we will all understand about perhaps its resonance that dances along with its pulsations of lives and deaths staying all about the cause and creative feat of mother nature and that this formality is more supreme than it exposes itself on perhaps four constructive elements that give us life, love and hate which is called air, water, earth and fire in which we may perhaps be nder that in matter there is life and that the atom is endowed with four elements that enliven us and give us life called an atom that in the smallest fraction of an element we can classify matter as an atomic nucleus that enters in a combination of the spirit enlivening each atom in periphery and escapes and escapes of electrons in a combination of supposed author , indivisible moment and short space and we can thank the space man who formalized us among so many ideas that today we can say that life would be clearer and easier and that we can understand the because of being alive and that life would be an eternal existence of the universe that we will some day fully learn to value its existence and its own life and thank you all very much and a big hug from the writer Roberto Barros.

By: Roberto Barros

Enviado por ROBERTO BARROS XXI em 18/02/2021
Código do texto: T7187062
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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