I simply want to dedicate these words as a dedication simply to all the people who have always dedicated their lives that we may not merely be clearly heading towards a fearless place that favors us peace and love that we simplify that we are no longer young as our guidelines that makes us think of acting clearly with a smile on our face for a life that is realistic and destined for the storms that ravage time and that makes us perish to all the socialist realities that proposes us to know life better and that makes us live perhaps by their nostalgia that takes us by surprise and by the euphoria that makes us react under all the maneuvers of life that we clearly cannot say that we are going to meet themselves because we are just spending our moments of peace, love and glory in which we dodge under all the penalties of life that shows us on every shelf a totality of dreams and fantasies that oppress us under certain declines of live and die because I think we need to keep ourselves more under all the maneuvers of life that are formalized in time like certain heroines that make us live and die on certain occasions that we can believe in the realistic force of destiny that fades us and makes us react under maybe a more fluent passage in which we learn to disconnect from our subjects when life always remakes us under a more metamorphic and energetic circuit that makes us know all the truths and lies that we navigate in life and turn against us like a rain of rain. nerves that dazzle us under perhaps a side more opposed to life itself that makes us feel and truly see all the penalties of life in which we are just fruits of pleasure that we taste everything a greater and better taste for being totally conservative of health and totally young as the life that can make us flourish under such circumstances of showing our true values that imposes on us and that makes us reflect to go under a true image of knowing and conquering a better life up close and we are only children of the sun and the earth that makes us live under all the relativities and reactions of always enlighten us and illuminate life when we can be happy and that we are just passing by time like a rain that wets and dries up with our sufferings and that we must appreciate life more and better and that life always makes us happy when we are confident of everything we sow under life and that we must always say that we are free when we are really living life because we are still young and we are just innocent children who are still learning to see the world much clearer as a snow that is clearer as life that makes us understand how good it is to live and we can still be happy and believe in round trip time because we can only have a beautiful commitment to youth that makes us believe that we are doing well with life and that reality does not it will inhibit us for how long we will remain alive in seconds and all the shelves that we pacify the mere way to live and be happy and we can believe in the passage of time when other people have fun with no destination and no way and I mean we have a passage certainly as a path that we have to trace when all penalties are busy to fearlessness and discourage the old conqueror who always navigates in time and is always stuck with life, he himself maybe tries to hide something happier that makes us younger by the search of life and what we need is to be happy when few live with fixed natures divided with death that always insulates the debtors of time because they must fear youth because they are too old to unite with the younger ones because perhaps they have forgotten the life that does not die and makes us react under all the penalties that insolate the nights and days making nature progress under a psychological and harmonious factor of being live and we have to believe in the future even though we even need to believe in old age that we are not going to die because even if we did we would return from some distant place to continue to be happy and live and I believe that we are really going through a shower of nerves that we can learn with life what life always shows us when the world is not happy always showing meaningless things in life and making us lack fear under the so-called life that has always shown us the true way to live and that we are awake to control our guilt who want to deceive us and inhibit us with the disadvantages of life and when we are walking the line maybe we are true living beings who have always dedicated body and soul to the superlative things of life and we don't want to cry against the maneuvers of life as long as there is a fearless coherent destiny that makes us happier for the way we exist for life and we will not be discouraged by any unfavorable circumstance because we have the magnet of life with us and God wants to make us happy and we have to live to be always young with all the realities of everyday life while all the systems remain chained to go to failures due and feared to conscience unshakable that has distorted our constructive thoughts of a more coherent and healthy mind as the very existence of life that made the universe transcribe all physical laws and that naturally created the human being to the material planes consecutively in the eternal step of humanity and so we can know its classes and we define life as something of existences and death can be something relatively physical and morbid on the material side as long as nature itself exists in all relationships with life as a simple emanation to the human being and thus we will be alive forever and ever. we will always remain young and that's the way it should be because life would be something relatively superior to all the things of paradise and we will always remain alive like the music that doesn't stop with its rhythm, the light that doesn't stop emanating rays and clairvoyances and we are preserved for so many years of happiness and we will always show our values with our souls alive and lit because we are pieces of paradise and we will always remain alive as to life and we will forever be united and classified as to life because we will forever be young. I want to thank God for my health and for all my life and my best way to be because I will never forget how grateful I am for all my life the personal nature that made me love life and that makes me always young and happy and very thank you all from the heart and I want to say that when we are always young even at the age that we can get old we will not die because there is in each of us such a great force capable of uniting us with life and so we are all young and we will never die with the passing of time because we are real children of life because we are all young. I dedicate this text to all the people who have always loved life and never stopped believing in divine existence, in the happiness of living, in love and in health, because when you love and believe in God, you always remain young and life wants that for you. not forget it because we can perhaps always remain in it and in this way we will always be forever young. Hugs!

By: Roberto Barros