The capital of Pernambuco received the affectionate nickname of Brazilian Venice because its landscape, a tangle of land and water, is cut by the Capibaribe and Beberibe rivers, dozens of canals and several bridges across our reef that we observe a great construction of beautiful and old bridges that surround the great reef in a water cycle entangled with land that borders the entire reef with its historic buildings dating from the early 17th and 18th centuries is one of the most appreciated itineraries by those visiting the capital of Pernambuco, Recife and here we tell great war stories great fishermen who have always shown their role in fishing in big rivers reef as the story of Silvanio that the a few meters from the gigantic column of automobiles that begins to form at the end of the afternoon on Avenida Martins de Barros, in the neighborhood of Santo Antônio, the caretaker Silvanio Nunes prefers to listen to the silence. It doesn't bother me !

“There is no noise near the water , ” he explains before launching his network from the Giratory Bridge to the waters of the Capibaribe River once again. It was there, watching the elders, that the 33-year-old janitor learned the secrets of fishing. For Silvanio , who frequents the Giratory Bridge at least twice a week, the activity in downtown Recife represents, in addition to a means of survival, an accessible leisure option.

“We play poker, always meet new people, make friends. Not only is there violence in the world, there are good people. A lot of tourists come here, I give my stuff and take pictures with them ”, says Silvanio . On a bicycle, the fisherman leaves Afogados with a bucket containing only a net and a knife. “I like being here, it's therapy, you know? It is better than being at home. I live in Favela Tabaiares , a very dangerous community. I prefer to be with the fish ”, he adds. We were really astonished with this beautiful stories of rivers, bridges, fishermen who shows us the true value of our city and here we show how it was done and that this Venice will always n our capital of Pernambuco and Through the system Capitanias Hereditary, Duarte Coelho took over the Captaincy of Pernambuco , initially called Captaincy Nova Lusitânia. In 1535 the town of Olinda was founded and in 1537, it became Vila. Likewise, in 1537, the city of Recife was founded and everything remained as a reminder that we have the freedom and sovereignty that our reef has many stories and that Brazilian Venice always shows us in its landscape, a tangle of land and water, it is crossed by the Capibaribe and Beberibe rivers, dozens of canals and several bridges in which everything is part of a more bathed panorama that shows the nobility of all depth that meets the sea and mixes with the rivers a tangle of lands where they look like bays of beaches and that we can appreciate about this Venice in a great path for the rivers that are bathing all the reef and shows us up close the oldest metropolises of our capital that has Portuguese constructions and in a great relation with our people and so the capital of Pernambuco was created and received the affectionate nickname of Brazilian Venice because its landscape really impresses us by the banks of the famous rivers of our reef and I want to dedicate this story to all s that contributed to the development of our history and that the reef will always be surrounded by a Venice that maybe we can see its greenish color that mixes with large and tangled lands and water that will always be called the Brazilian Venice!

The Capibaribe River is one of the rivers in the state of Pernambuco, in the Northeast of Brazil. Its name is originally from the Tupi language and means in the water of capybara or wild pigs, through the combination of the terms kapibara (capybara), y (water) and pe (em). It is born on the slopes of Serra do Jacarará, municipality of Poção, bordering the municipality of Jataúba , in the community of Araçá, at an altitude of 1,100 meters. According to a survey by the State Planning and Research Agency of Pernambuco ( Condepe ), carried out in 1980, its hydrographic basin comprises an area of 7,716 square kilometers, which is equivalent to 7.85% of the area of Pernambuco. Divided into Upper, Middle and Lower Capibaribe, from the source to the mouth, Rio flows through the state's Agreste and Zona da Mata, also cutting the Metropolitan Region of Recife. It is 240 kilometers long and its basin is approximately 5,880 square kilometers. It has about 74 tributaries and 42 municipalities in Pernambuco, including Toritama, Santa Cruz do Capibaribe, Salgadinho, Limoeiro, Paudalho, São Lourenço da Mata and Recife. It divides the central area of the capital city and crosses several of its neighborhoods, it has three crossings in the municipality, one at the height of the Apipucos neighborhood , another in the vicinity of Skylab II - Poço da Panela, and the last one in Jaqueira. It crosses many bridges, such as Ponte do Limoeiro, Ponte Maurício de Nassau, Ponte Santa Isabel, Ponte 12 de Setembro (better known as the Giratory Bridge), among others. Sculptures by poets and musicians from Pernambuco such as Capiba , João Cabral de Melo Neto, Ascenso Ferreira, Manuel Bandeira are fixed on some bridges and other strategic points . On November 24, Capibaribe River Day is celebrated. The date was established by law (No. 14,011) in March 2010.

The Duarte Coelho Bridge is overlaid over the Capibaribe River and connects the Bairro da Boa Vista and the Bairro de Santo Antônio, and the main access roads, Avenida Conde da Boa Vista and Avenida Guararapes. Built in 1868, initially in metallic structure, the bridge served to support the rail traffic of Brazilian Company Limited's urban trains , known as Maxambomba , which had its central station located in the Santo Antônio neighborhood. In 1915, it was deactivated as a result of time wasting, being rebuilt in reinforced concrete in 1943, under the administration of Mayor Morais Filho, and remains today in good condition. It serves as a stage for the celebrations of Recife's street carnival , considered the largest in the world.

The Beberibe River is a watercourse that bathes the state of Pernambuco , in Brazil . It has its source in the municipality of Camaragibe with the meeting of its two formators: the Pacas River and the Araçá River. It has a 24 km course. The Beberibe watershed covers 79 square kilometers and is located entirely in the Metropolitan Region of Recife , passing through Camaragibe , Recife and Olinda , making confluence with the Capibaribe River before flowing into the Atlantic Ocean . The main tributaries of Beberibe are the Morno River and its affluent Macacos River , in addition to the Vasco da Gama and Malaria channels, and the Lava-Tripas stream. The latter cut through poor areas of Recife and Olinda , resulting in large amounts of pollution in Beberibe . Due to engineering work, the Beberibe River obtained another mouth, before the confluence with Capibaribe, transforming the former peninsula of Recife Antigo into another island, among the many that make up the city.

The construction of the reef bridges was clearly a major development for trade and navigation in which today we tell a very old story when all the reef bridges were made.

The bridge project started in the middle of 1630 , but was under pressure from important entrepreneurs who had their income focused on the interconnection of the island with the rest of the city. The island was still overcrowded and its land started to devalue. The slow transportation and the lack of water on the island gave the necessary strength for the project to proceed. Eight years later, they started up studies to begin construction. In 1630 , the then Count of Nassau ordered the construction of a 12-meter-long stone pillar to analyze the strength of the current and publicly demonstrate his interest in the construction of the bridge. In 1641 a public notice was opened to convene interested builders.

The competition was won by the Jew and architect Baltazar de Affonseca , assuring that he would finish the bridge within two years. In 1642 the work began, with fifteen pillars already built. But the following year, the work had to be stopped. Afraid of being humiliated, the Count of Nassau takes over the construction and invests his own money in the project. Still missing ten stone pillars and the budget is over, the count decides to use water resistant wood instead of stone. The bridge was then inaugurated on February 28 , 1644 under the name of Ponte do Recife . Partly in stone, partly in wood, the Recife Bridge was twice the size of the current one, going from the current intersection of Av. Marquês de Olinda with Rua Madre de Deus to the current intersection of 1 ° de Março and Emperor D. Pedro streets II. Winning the title of the first bridge of its size in Brazil . And because it is still in operation, it is the oldest.

At its ends, two arches were built by order of the Count of Nassau, of which one had a door that could be closed. The one on the side of Bairro do Recife is called Arco da Conceição and the one on the other end, Arco de Santo Antônio. The bridge had a drawbridge, responsible for an accident that knocked down about sixteen people in the Capibaribe River . In 1683 the bridge undergoes its first renovation, but still maintains the two stone arches. In 1742, an even bigger renovation takes place, remodeling the bridge, but still taking advantage of the stone and wood pillars. The arches are also renovated and receive the images of the Catholic saints that give the name of each one. It is also built u m a series of small shops, probably for, along with a toll also likely, pay for the maintenance of the bridge. Even with several reforms between the years 1683 and 1742, the precarious structure cannot stand and yields on October 5 , 1815 . A new bridge began to be built, now made of iron. It was inaugurated on 7 of September of 1865 given the name Bridge September 7 . More elegant, wider and stronger, but the poorly chosen material was quickly corroded by rust. Even so, it held the two arches, however, due to the traffic, the demolition of both, that of Conceição, in 1913 , and that of Santo Antônio, in 1917 , was ordered . It was only on 18 of December of 1917 , one hundred eighty-seven years later, that was inaugurated the Maurício de Nassau Bridge , honoring your builder. In 30 of March of 1920 Manuel Borba responsible for one of the last major reforms, exchange all the pavement of the bridge and order the four bronze statues of three meters tall Foundry Val d'Ornes, in France giving the bridge the general appearance that have today.

Construction of bridges:

1642-1861: Recife Bridge

1861-1917: September 7 Bridge

1917- current: Maurício de Nassau Bridge.

The first bridge was built in a different place from the existing one. It was built in seven weeks, all in wood.

In the 18th century , the then governor of the province of Pernambuco Henrique Luís Pereira Freire (who governed the province between 1737 and 1746) ordered the overturning of the old bridge and the construction of another one, also made of wood, on the site of the existing one.

The engineer Antônio Bernardino Pereira do Lago rebuilt it in 1815 , placing iron railings and paving with irregular pebbles and built balconies, where benches were placed.

Designed by engineer Francisco Pereira Passos , the bridge was rebuilt in August 1874 , by order of the then governor of the province, Henrique Pereira de Lucena , future Baron of Lucena. This new project gave the bridge more modern features. Its shape is what it presents today. Made of wrought iron (imported from England ), the bridge features small tiles that fit in the shape of rhombuses.

In the 1940s and 1950s, the bridge served as a footbridge for Recife residents to parade there, under the surveillance of the cameras of photographers, who offered their photographs.

It was partially destroyed in two floods of the Capibaribe River , in 1965 and 1966 , having been restored in 1967 , under the administration of Mayor Augusto Lucena . This restoration made it uncharacteristic and the work was embargoed by IPHAN , albeit late, when the work was practically completed.

Called the Recife bridge until 1865, it connects the Santo Antônio neighborhood to the old Recife neighborhood . It was the first wooden bridge built over the Capibaribe River, and the first large bridge in Brazil, inaugurated on February 28, 1643, under the administration of the Dutch prince Maurício de Nassau.

Mauritius Bridge of Nassau. The bridge had its construction started by order of Count Maurício de Nassau and connected the port village in the isthmus of Recife to the island of Antonio Vaz, called at the time Mauritius City ( Mauritsstad ). It is considered the first large bridge in Brazil and the oldest in Latin America .

Without the old portals, the city of Recife today has seven large bridges in the central region, three of them connecting the old peninsula to the neighborhood of Santo Antônio: the Ponte 12 de Setembro (called Giratory), Maurício de Nassau and Buarque de Macedo .

the name of the work that made traffic and pedestrians stop for almost 40 minutes on the Boa Vista bridge in Recife Pernambuco ? Valerio Sisters by Carsten Röller . Art / Stop by Paulo Bruscky .

The capital of Pernambuco received the affectionate nickname of Brazilian Venice because its landscape, a tangle of land and water, is cut by the Capibaribe and Beberibe rivers, dozens of canals and several bridges across our reef that we observe a great construction of beautiful and old bridges that surround the great reef in a water cycle tangled with land that borders the entire reef with its historic buildings dating from the early 17th and 18th centuries which is one of the most appreciated routes by anyone visiting the capital of Pernambuco called Recife and here we count great warrior stories of great fishermen who have always shown their role in fishing in the rivers of the great reef as to the story of Silvanio who a few meters from the gigantic column of automobiles that begins to form in the late afternoon of Avenida Martins de Barros, in the neighborhood of Santo Antônio, the caretaker Silvanio Nunes prefers to listen to the silence. It doesn't bother me !

There is no noise near the water ”, he explains, before launching his network of the Giratory Bridge to the waters of the Capibaribe River once again. It was there, watching the elders, that the 33-year-old janitor learned the secrets of fishing. For Silvanio, who frequents the Giratory Bridge at least twice a week, the activity in downtown Recife represents, in addition to a means of survival, an accessible leisure option.

“We play football, always meet new people, make friends. Not only is there violence in the world, there are good people. A lot of tourists here, I give my material and take pictures with them ”, says Silvanio. On a bicycle, the fisherman leaves Afogados with a bucket containing only a net and a knife. “I like being here, it's therapy, you know? It is better than being at home. I live in Favela Tabaiares , a very dangerous community. I prefer to be with the fish ”, he adds. We were really amazed by this beautiful story of rivers, bridges, fishermen that shows us the true value of our city and here we can show how everything was done and that this Venice will always be our capital of Pernambuco and Through the Hereditary Captaincy system , Duarte Coelho took over the Captaincy of Pernambuco , initially called Captaincy Nova Lusitânia. In 1535 the town of Olinda was founded and in 1537, it became Vila. Likewise, in 1537, the city of Recife was founded and everything remained as a reminder that we have the freedom and sovereignty that our reef has many stories and that Brazilian Venice always shows us in its landscape a tangle of land and water, it is cut by the Capibaribe and Beberibe rivers, dozens of canals and several bridges in which everything is part of a more bathed panorama that shows the nobility of all depth that meets the sea and mixes with the rivers a tangle of lands where they look like bahias of beaches and that we can appreciate on this Venice a great path by the rivers that are bathing all the reef and shows us up close the oldest metropolises of our capital that has Portuguese constructions and in a great relationship with our people and so it was created the capital of Pernambuco and received the affectionate nickname of Brazilian Venice because its landscape really impresses us by the banks of the famous rivers of our reef and I want to dedicate this story to everyone who and contributed to the development of our history and that the reef will always be surrounded by a Venice that maybe we can see its greenish color that mixes with large and tangled lands and water that will always be called the Brazilian Venice and a strong hug to everyone from writer and Olindense Called Roberto Barros!

By: Roberto Barros

Enviado por ROBERTO BARROS XXI em 04/05/2021
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