
- "Please! You can't say it."

- "You need to understand: I can say wherever I want! It's freedon. Even in the society. I can say wherever I want, once that I'm ready to the consequences."

- "But you are mad!"

- "You call me mad because of the voices in my mind. You call me mad because I listen to them, and talk to them, and try to be reseable to them. - ... - But, you also listen to this voices! We all do!

You! The "normal people". You also have this voices. This litle you inside your minds. The voice you go for when you are alone, or sad, or angry... That other one. Always with you, always for you, always like you...

But, you call the persona, you "understand" that is just a part of you, just a small talk with yourself... A discussion with your conscience. Is all this normal? Is it normal just because you hear the voice as your own? Am I the crazy one, just because I hear them with like someone else?

Yeah, they say things to me... Things that I don't want to be true... Things that I don't want to think... Things that hurt me... And I listen! Yes! I listen! And I listen because I'm saying it!

And I don't want to listen it... I don't wanna feel it... I don't wanna be them.



I want to be empty. I want to be me as simple as just me...
