The tree

When the fire passes in the Forest everyone runs ...

The man runs, the birds fly to another shelter And even the lion, strongest, dominant and feared of the Forest, also runs. The only one that doesn't run is the Tree. The fire asks Tree: - Tree, everyone ran and you don't, are you going to run? The Tree replies: - I am a Tree planted by God, you will pass me; will burn my fruits and leaves. But ... in a few months I will flower again. Because you will not burn my root. My leaves, branches and fruits will appear again. For the Tree that God plants, no one takes off. "God will sustain you throughout your life on this earth." Come the fire that comes, stay strong. For You are a Tree planted by God. So it doesn't matter what situation you're in. Its roots are established in the One who can do everything.

Antonio Garcia Neto
Enviado por Antonio Garcia Neto em 19/01/2020
Código do texto: T6845332
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro