1-MIRROR, from the Latin ' speculum '-surface that reflects light Ray in a defined direction, rather than absorb it or spread it in all directions. (blah blah blah) ... ... ... Possibly the surface of the water inspired the production of the first mirror (archaeological finds recorded Egypt, 5th Millennium b. C.); mirror mentioned in Exodus: "... women mirrors ... '-later Etruscans, Greeks and many others ...

2-MIRROR, a frequent figure in wonderful tales. In SNOW WHITE, self contemplation of stepmother ("bad" antagonist, enemy, rival of the protagonist "nice", main character, heroin) and also function to inform her: "you're more beautiful than Snow White."

3-MIRROR-1-narcissism (Greek myth wonder himself); 2-hold the soul (Indian not look in still water of the Lake). The oldest version of the Greek myth Narcissus-who inspired the Freudian theory of narcissism-is attributed to the Roman poet OVID (43 b.C./17 a. C.). According to him, "Narcissus was born after the nymph Liriope, his mother, bathed in the waters of the river Zephyr. So beautiful was the boy that his mother was worried because the gods not admitted to a mortal was prettier than them, Olympians. Liríopes heard so an Oracle that the son would live until he saw himself. One day, thirsty, he approached a Lake, but, faced with her own image, which I didn't know being felt out of sight: an impossible love. Eco, daughter of air and Earth, a nymph in love that followed him, even tried to warn him that his face was his even-was in vain because she could only repeat the last few words of the hearing, victim of the wrath of the gods. And Narcissus, unable to move away from the reflected image, languished from hunger and thirst. Realizing, finally, that that was your own face, wept to realize that I could never achieve the object loved. Your tears blurred the River, found that the image was on the run and died of despair. "

4-"MIRROR, narcissism of primitive stepmother demonstrated by his quest for confirmation about the beauty in the magic mirror, long before the teenage beauty of snow white (when do 7 years and begins to mature): repetition of the old theme of narcissus who only loved himself, in such a way that was engulfed by auto (and loud!) love. Competition between Snow White and the stepmother: the magic mirror appears to talk to the little girl's voice, aware of own beauty and not the beauty of "mother" rival. " (Bettelheim, p. 242)

5 but if her stepmother asked if there's a more Machiavellian, selfish and wicked than her, the mirror certainly say "no!" What would be the sweet snow white without their evil stepmother? Yes, because another classic element is the figure of the stepmother-in "Hansel and Gretel", "Cinderella". The author justifies BETTELHEIM (?) the existence of the Shrew as a way for the child to express his anger against the mother of fact. The author of children's books ANGELA CASTRO risk some other explanation, that the stepmother would be sexy, smart and powerful, this was considered a witch at the time which were written these tales. On TV, novel "Vamp" (179 chapters), super good stepmother-square that already had 6 kids and adopted with love the captain's 6.

6-BOOK-premiere of FANNY ABRAMOVICH as a writer of Juvenile literature in a short story, nominated from 11/12 years-difficulties of a pre-teen with his body. Author recognized and cherished in the educational area.

7-CARTOON-Creator NANI-Joke: 1st picture-Stepmother (traditional pointy hat, ugly face, but smiling, hopeful): "mirror on the wall, there is woman more beautiful than me?" Mirror (face afraid): "Yes ... Snow white ... "-2nd picture-Stepmother (aggressive gesture with her hand):" pass the personnel department and hit their accounts. You're fired! " Silent mirror, in a State of shock.

8-MIRROR, actual images reversed: the other side ... As time tunnel, novel that became a staple on TV-"magic mirror" (150 chapters) and within the plot, another novel, "love" cocktail, and even quote a play, "Cyrano de Bergerac" by EDMOND ROSTAND. Couple in real life were the protagonists of the main story and the novel within the novel. Behind the scenes of television revealed for the first time: the daily life of artists, both on and off the TV, and all the gear that involves the creation of a soap opera. Original idea in bold text referencing the many types that exist in the artistic medium: the novels of the story, the veteran actress decadent (the real actress asked to let the novel and had her character murdered), the girl who does everything for success (profanity replaced with the catchphrase "Doves!" which soon gained the streets), the former Miss in new course of career after popular movies , the comedian of the Revue paired with his daughter, actress (true!) famous for erotic films appearing in tip in the novel etc. Even in this plot, protest against certain problems faced by authors. It wasn't a success of hearing + vision, however Central discussions: class-controversy by revealing "truths" in the world of the stars.


BETTELHEIM, Bruno. Psychoanalysis of fairy tales. River, Peace and Earth, 1980.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall-a way to grow," 30 pages, author FANNY ABRAMOVICH. Ed. Brasiliense, SÃO PAULO.

"Nostalgia"-TV Magazine-newspaper O GLOBO, Rio, 3/13/05 and 6/17/07.


"Vamp", novel by ANTONIO CALMON and collaborators-TV Globo, 1991/92.

"Magic mirror", novel by LAURO CÉSAR MUNIZ-TV Globo, 1977.