I want to say that I recorded these beautiful videos as a great collection representing the best international rock bands from the United States and other countries and I want to say that international rock shows us and portrays us about a great musical expression that has always shown the world beautiful and beautiful songs with philosophical lyrics and even criticism that always moved us and made us understand that both progressive music and slow rock have transformed the thinking of young people today who have developed over time into a great fraternity of dreams and fantasies. that in my opinion everything starts with a beautiful story of blues and jazz that gave rise to Rock in Roll that always contributed with its ballads formed today by great North American musicians a set of harmonies that always stood out in front of the public that always preserved him and accompanied him with his symphonies, both slow and ballads, that he managed to conquer the whole world and we need s going back in time to review the past that reveals a great relativity with many international artists who have always contributed to the great cultural development of both pop and metal music and today we mix with heavy metal and slow rock that even made soundtracks of great and extraordinary action movies in Hollywood shows a cinematographic infinity between beautiful clips and action movies that has always rejuvenated the North American thought that nowadays we see and we can perfect ourselves in its musical style that transforms us and takes us to heights and over beautiful journeys and conquests that man can understand his beautiful song that transposes us and makes us feel emotion and love for everything in which music has taken various aspects filmmakers that make us dream and I mean that American music will always change and reach many and larger spaces changing one's socialist thinking and having an effect on beautiful and extraordinary fantasies . the ones in which the artist himself shows us up close his origins and beautiful ballads and compositions where we can understand and get to know a more contagious and happy life, opening us the doors of paradise like a magic key that awakens our feelings and makes us relive the life on the frontiers of the soul where electricity has no more limits to be challenged and we can find something relatively more than perfect like a good image and sound of the best and great artists that keeps us knowing the real question of dreaming about life and the living would be dreaming and music will certainly be more than a dream in which we can together define a constructive thought about the reason to live and be happy and I want to say that rock will always be progressive because rock is music with life and life is dreaming and being happy because rock will never die because it has always revived the minds of young people and we are not going to die while we are still alive because we have the soul of eternity that makes us seek what consistent feeling against the aberrations of life and nature does no harm to the man who sees life more prudent because we only assimilate a word against the inability to live which would be not to die because we have tense heads and open hearts and sweaty ears from the acoustic life musical that has always influenced the human being against all the imperfections of life and society would be more fluent when one starts to perceive and believe in the beautiful words that are described in a song and thus we manage to aim and fight against old age that can never startle us because we always keep in mind that music would be a brilliant element of impulse to life and so we are stronger and clairvoyant against humorless things and we feel that music has always awakened us eternal moments and we have to always listen to beautiful songs that speak of love and happiness because rock can be in relation to life our best feelings that are expressed in beautiful love songs about us and so we can believe in the future because music transports us to the other shore where life leads us more perfect and so we will be forever young and I want to dedicate these beautiful unforgettable words to my best moments that I always spent in my adolescence until today and dedicate to the the best rockers and metalheads from all over the world, beautiful songs I've always heard and for the human feeling of each one who dedicated themselves with their songs and lyrics to the great alternative society and live international rock and so we will always remain united and celebrate the love between beautiful friends as one beautiful song for all to hear and awaken to humanity and here is an unforgettable collection of beautiful songs that I saved American slow rock songs for all of you and stay in the sunset with my best hugs from writer Roberto Barros.

By: Roberto Barros