I want to highlight here with you a great understanding of all my achievements and memories that I had over a long period of time that was kept as a memory of the past that I had in a great time of constructions and moral evolutions in which I get rid of in some full trips and walks through long and beautiful places that I base myself on a great fullness of great reconstructions and vibrations with life in which I have always been a great conservative of life in search of an adventure that simply I had good ideas in which they always portray me as a fighter and built of great heroines in which I have always tried to achieve with great fullness and attribution of my efforts a great benefit in which I stand out as a hero in search of a new generation that I have always had and I have always been based on socialism more focused on certain adventures that for me today they serve as great achievements in which I see that I kept my youth with me and the performance of a philosopher and social psychologist in which I see the face of youth more focused on all my simplicities that I myself revive with a condition of being the best optimist of a great era in which I always consecrated silver and gold as a great emanation of certain achievements that for me are certain things that I put in place to rescue new ideas for my youth progress in which I always tried to stand out on a true path in which I see an era full of dreams and desires that makes me highlight a great knowledge for life and I always wanted to know beautiful people who have a lot of euphoria and who understand that life is made of dreams and fantasies and who have always kept the realities of life as a duty to progress towards certain tasks that always show wills and contradictions for the life that proposes us to be more or less conqueror of a bride era in which all circumferences are taken with the magnitude of maturing and growing with the time when we have to fight for beautiful knowledge and g great forms of education and ways of life that make us grow, live for the relative euphoria of knowing life and so we apply psychology and biology in which life can adapt to all ideologies of the maturation of life dodging in sociology and I want to talk a little about my adventures and maturation through youth as proof of a moral and civic recognition and that I have always tried to escape under a great resumption of time in which I lived life with a discipline of facing life better and formatively greater than everyone else. my dreams are like gains and satisfaction of my youth that I understand all the circumstances of my maturation with my life and I want to talk about my childhood with all the reflections and constructions that marked a good time in memory of my whole life in which they will stay well proved the most beautiful and beautiful achievements of a young man who grew up in life and matured with youth in which he traveled through beautiful places and states and then showed I proved to be a fighter and conqueror of the youth in which I always kept the best of me and my extraordinary and brilliant career as a great artist and young man who knew certain pleasures that I learned that loving life has always shown that we have to show active and I consecrate all my masculine youth as an essence of learning with life and I want to thank you all for these introductions and thank you all very much and best wishes.


It all starts in a very long time ago when I was about 10 years old when I was starting my studies at the Cantinho Feliz Institute doing kindergarten with my teacher Aunt Gláucia in which she cared a lot about me in the classroom to I learned to study and do class and homework assignments, which was like a jigsaw puzzle for me, because I thought the tasks were too big and I was very lazy and all this was a great time of study for me, as I adapted better to the lessons that I used to do it in the classroom and at home that Aunt Gláucia always told me to do and kept an eye on me because I just wanted to play with my classmates in the classroom, when I was at recess, I felt sick with cramps in my hands from writing so much lazy that for me was a torment the drama I went through for being very lazy and playful that I got to get a reputation as a messy because I was always with my classmates Luciel and others haranguing and joking always and 1 hour of class, but everything went by with a time of learning and lessons that gave me the chance to learn to read and write and then follow a primary school career, which has been a blessing to this day for me who studied at Mascarenhas de Morais the 5th fifth grade of elementary school and then I went to the school in Recife the Ginásio Pernambucano where I had many friends and I thought the school was old and beautiful and very big with many young people studying downstairs on top of the first floor that I finished almost the entire gymnasium and I ended up joining the high school course in another high school in Recife, Carneiro Leão, but I didn't take too long in this high school because I didn't like the teaching of this school and that's when I went to finish high school at Pinto Junior High School also in Recife on a long street behind Praça do XIII de Maio in Recife and that I spent a month of completion and managed to pass to high school and then went to Vitória de Santo Antão to live with my aunt Arlinda and completing the basic computer course at Micro Lins, which was what I liked the most to do until today, working with computers that gave me a much better satisfaction with my studies and Avel apprentice, who for me today I feel like a new well-formed man and informed that I was given the chance to graduate and today I am a person who sees life better in a more disciplined way that I gradually learned in life.

Now I want to talk a little about my childhood when I was building my house in Olinda, which I loved because I even played with the bricklayers Waldemiro and Báu who traced the cement mass over the sands and clays and the floor was all yellow. I liked to write and draw over it because it was a good and cool thing. It was a whole time of renovations of the whole house that put slabs and ceramics everywhere and I lived a moment of joy because I played with the masons and construction workers and everything passed with the passage of a time that was all in history.

There was a time when I went through an adventure in my adolescence that I always had good friends and friends who played with me at the cabin and I was their father in the game that almost always turned into a perfect harangue that I later softened my colleagues Marquinhos , Cide and Guto with plastic and rubber toys that I had at home a lot that they played with me every day behind the backyard and it was very good and they were part of a past that changed a lot for me because I was a little disconnected and nervous like my father who always called me to come in and take a shower and all this passed as a memory that stayed in my thoughts until today that I still talk to them all like Amorzinho, Misso, Esdras, Luciano, Hominho, Flavio , John and Dada.

I had an adolescence that for me marked a great career of a young man enthusiastic about youth in a club in the new neighborhood of Olinda called Olinda Praia Clube that I always used to go to when my uncle Aguinaldo was president of this club and there were many parties and they used to do karaoke and I always went with my friend Carlos and Amorzinho, who made a perfect pair and liked to dance to the sounds of engineers from Hawaii, outrage to the hilt and others from that time that marked the career of rock and a strong youth willing to dancing and drinking too much until the girls called to dance and that was all very good that stayed in our memories of a past of adventure and joy of a time when we were known as boys from the periphery.

There was a time when motoring was my passion and my father was fixing his Brasília in a workshop in Olinda where I live very close to my house and the mechanic was a nice man, strong and nervous too because he harangued and joked daily with his employees and i was laughing watching all the work and fixing the car he was fixing and i learned to drive with him because he liked me very much and he was married to a very pretty girl and he had three kids who like him very much and every night I kept waiting for the workshop to close so I could take some cars to store at home because Antônio asked my father to take them and I liked it a lot because I drove the cars and that was also a time that was kept in the memory of a driver.

There was a very good time when I went with the whole family to a birthday in Maceió of the niece of our neighbor Dona Ezilda and it was at a club called Lindoia which was very big and beautiful with many swimming pools, games court and so on.

It was Wilma's fifteenth birthday and it was very beautiful because we danced waltz and danced rock with a group of very happy and happy young people that I even got to drink beer with guarana and it was very good because we enjoyed the tour a lot and stayed after a day at the house of Seu Oliveira and Nanda the mother of Wilma, Wellington and Wincles that we slept at night and then left the next day and it was a great memory to participate in a birthday in Maceió.

I had surprises in my life that I got from my aunt Arlinda on my birthday three toys right when it was in launches a star railroad train , a star cargo Max and a robot that walked alone and it was a lot of fun because my aunt looked like Santa Claus she always gave me different things and it was all like a fairy dream that I never forgot the affection she had for me that I kept until today the three gifts as proofs of love and affection to my aunt who adored me so much and not today there is more and I was a child who had everything I ever wanted because I had three parents and that was fundamental to my life and I keep a lot of affection and love from a past glued to our unforgettable love.

Once again I want to talk about a memory that maybe even today I can go there because I always liked to travel and get to know different places and for a trip you hallucinate I want to talk about a new farm where there is the theater of the passion of Christ with its statues giving spaces to places that are identical to where Jesus was crucified because it is a very beautiful place in view of the dramatic history of a Christian time that has remained in the memory of all of us until today.

I also want to talk about Paulo Afonso, which is the largest hydroelectric plant in Paulo Afonso, which has an incalculable water reserve that supplies the entire territory and the sertão that lives its sufferings, which is a case that I don't understand because of the lack of water and with a civil supply dam in the interior of Bahia next to the sea and waterfalls in a hydrological formation of a large percentage that will stay in my memory both of the city and the plant that perhaps marks a memory of my youth in the backlands of Bahia.

In another dimension I want to talk about the black cangaço that I Bartolomeu, Flavio, André doidão, Denis, João Bidur and João Aleixo formed this band with a respective to build a rock in roll movement and create several criticisms in a country that is Brazil a republican country that has its rights despised for lack of reform and reconstitution of a hypocritical people who see the country as a game and don't know how to mess with the system that it is and maybe stay in order for a good construction.

And on the outside, the guys who have always accompanied us on adventures around the city in a great meeting of friends are always in the main square like Fabio piaba, Gilsinho Ferrer, Manoelzinho Galindo, Artur Magrão , Jorge, Rafael Ferrer, Pitoco , Marcos Aurélio and etc.

My love affair in victory with Cristiane, Fatinha and Joseane.

I want to talk about a past maybe for me that touched my heart in a moment of distress it was when I met a beautiful young woman from the neighborhood of Vila Senira called Cristiane a beautiful girl very pretty blonde with blue eyes and very white of low height that moved my heart and made me understand what friendship is from a girl to a boy who felt an emptiness in life and wanted to understand the reason for being happy and this girl dated me for almost a year and we made a great friendship that got to the point her wanting to marry me but I asked her for a break due to an emotional problem that made me feel a little empty but I almost married her because she is a family girl and is very friendly and reliable, our love being broken due to jealousy but we are still great friends.

In another better way I met a girl in São João through Cristiane called Fatinha and we dated for a month and everything was very good and clear in our eyes until we walked in churches and went to schools to see Masses but everything was changing for reasons too out of jealousy because I wanted to know if he was the real person for me more to find out that I was not in the right order so we harangue for a mere circumstance and if we left it behind and I never saw her again she was a very disciplined girl trained as a teacher and liked me a little more the verses are not everything we think.

I also met when I was walking around the show bar flirting with this girl called Joseane she seemed very calm and sad but she had a cheeky way that I became interested in her until I went to her house and I started dating her for a long time that I lived together for each other that I even got to suspect that she wasn't well with me either because there were nights when she went out alone and I couldn't find her at home and it got to the point that we fought and then we got back together and with her I had a daughter with the name of Sabrina who lives with her and it all ended for a reason of distrust of each other but I liked her a lot because she was very beautiful and light brown and had black hair and a medium body but not everything you see is what we think and life shows us to understand what suits us until the end.

In another, more different case, I kept in myself a possessive right for cars and my dream was to buy a car and it was then that I bought a used red Chevete78 that I managed to break race records with it because I used to walk around the victory tracks and streets of the city that one day I went to deliverance at night to walk and the car was perfectly polished and I always used to always run on the tracks but I stopped running more because the car seemed to be mechanically defective so I fixed it more after a week I went to the Cohab bela vista with my friend that we went for a walk and a very big accident happened when I was going down the slope of the beautiful vista, the wheel jumped and the car lacked brakes and I had no condition to stop so I put the car on top of the curbs that it was going up and down then that was when I hit it on a wall of a curb and the car stopped and people gathered and a mechanic appeared right away who improvised a handbrake for the wheels and it worked taking the car with me to the square of the matrix at my house and I called the short car salesman who soon bought the car with the beat engine but restored it later and I never wanted to know about old cars again because they are a problem and danger in our lives but I loved the Chevete because he was very fast.

From one pole to the other it was winter and my mother and I decided to go to my sister's house in São Paulo, who was waiting for us in June 1995, which was very good. the friends of my brother-in-law called Zildo who are Marco, Macio, Edilson, Jorge, Marcelo who took me to visit Ibirapuera Park, Avenida Paulista that I went through countless nightclubs such as Café Paris, The Girls and met beautiful young women from São Paulo and other states who went out with me and it was a really cool night and I will never forget that tour which was great.

We also went to visit in the interior of São Paulo a place only for nightclubs that I thought was in the United States for being the best nightclubs in São Paulo.

We went to Zildo 's brother's farm near Angelica's house and passed by Silvio Santos' house in the countryside of São Paulo, Zildo and his colleagues and it was very cool because we saw famous places of famous people and I thought it was very cool.

We went to Jeferson's site at the biggest dam from São Paulo to Bile and we took a boat ride pulling a buoy until we fell into the water and we had barbecue all night and we rode a horse around the farm and this was great because we walked too much and had a lot of fun and learned to value the good things that nature offers us because they are indeed extraordinary.

I say that I am fully happy and I want to tell you that my childhood perhaps brilliantly remade my adolescence and my adolescence is in every act and affection made by me who loves life for a realistic and more qualified simplicity of living and being happy for the act the occasion of my own life.

And may the memories all be reflections of a past that I saw and remade in my mind. Thank you all!


For the sake of the logic of life, I want to tell you that we are on a balanced route that makes us think about what is the best time and what should I do to encourage me to have a good adventure that takes me to the skies and finally to the paradise that I look for every day of my life when I'm lost in time without some occasion doing nothing for being momentary and paradoxical life for the purpose of action and movement in full life for a hobby occasion for a personal relativity of walking somewhere or taking some vacations at work to get to know the world better and the contagious life that surrounds us with extraordinary secrets that make us feel good and allow us to evolve in life and give more esteem to our health that is compressed in the construction phase by a variety of metal development and psychological in moral and personal formation in the social ways for a better clairvoyance of our humanities that we always want our well being and good emotional functioning our constructions moral reasons because we live in a world characterized by the suffering caused by a social imbalance that has turned into a total hell caused by the social crisis due to the precarious establishment of the government with the poor reconstitution of the country making the human mind an out of step factor in mere circumstance of life that made the social and emotional development of human beings impossible and caused the lack of freedom of the being throughout time until the present day that we seek to identify with our own natures and walk weak and precarious from a thirst for justice that in everything because maybe one day it will be defeated and normalization will take over a true social reality through a productive reaction of the human being because everyone will fight because no one can't stand the realistic inability to live happily and with more respect and their life than drastically walks on half asphalt and freedom is a real pressure from a prison facing the Soc human ialism that lives around this negative emanation of liberating energies that makes us seek more free will to walk for a long and unforgettable time that we seek to react sociologically to a true logic with our hobbies.

I was on the beach of Casa Caiada in Bairro novo Olinda at a time that for me was a wonder that I arrived in the afternoon and spent the whole afternoon on the beach where I bathed in the sea, swam and drank a few shots of whiskey and beers that were an endless afternoon that I even took some pictures on the beach and two with the owner of the bar by the sea in which I sat in a chair with an umbrella and it was a release I tell you very good that I spent a little time and recovered a few hours forgotten in life all for a pastime that became past histories of my life.

The other day I was at the Rio Mar Shop in Recife in a little bar on the top floor where I had a pitcher of soursop juice with a delicious Mussa rela pizza and it was really cool because I walked through the Shop and bought some clothes for myself and enjoyed a unforgettable moment of peace, health and love in which I spent the afternoon at Shop Rio Mar and spent a few hours and came back at 6:00 in the evening by bus PE- 15 good trip home in Olinda which for me was very good and fun that stayed as a memory of a happy day of a pastime that became past histories of my life.

On a sunny day in the afternoon I went to Sé de Olinda for the little bar and restaurant Cantinho da Sé where I spent the whole afternoon at the bar listening to Brazilian popular music drinking my unforgettable whiskey socially with seafood broth and others which was very good that I arrived around 10:00 at night and it was raining and it was very windy there and the bar was totally full of people having fun enough that I almost met some people who were listening to music and playing guitar with a group of young people from the periphery and from several places it was very good to enjoy the cold weather and even the serene of the night that I returned home afterward very happy and with a physical energy quite unforgettable from drinking so much whiskey which for me was also an afternoon in which I lived a very special for me in the heart of Olinda's home in Cantinho da Sé which is a very old bar with more than 100 years of age and everything became a hobby that remained as a past story of my life.

The passage of time is a very sentimental and realistic thing in which we go through a phase of travel that opens up in a human fraternity of our lives when we are, as I said above, in a sentimental prison that can be a factor of emotional stability that we are going through and it is always good to remember that the hobby is fundamental and constitutional for our spiritual developments that is simply transported to our mind that emotionally pacifies us and leads us to moral and personal integrity to relate normally in social environments and establish a positive conduct without so many attributes in relation to the social environment in which we live today, a life that is more than crazy for a moral balance and development of conscience that always leads us to a correct education for the development of a hobby in our life. And I tell you that our capacities can be well related and established with life because we must always look further ahead of any question that perhaps is not or is in the condition of our perfect and fragile natures so that in the end everything is well related by a measure of time and that gives us more freedoms for life and for our ways of living and that everything is related in a perfect leap of freedom for a fearless and true hobby.

I want to thank everyone for this beautiful text in which I show with all satisfaction and quality my best honor and adventure for life and that all my qualities are well classified for everyone to see a little bit of me and my adventures in which I am here an adventurer to preserve my nature and affection for life and I want to wish you all the most beautiful achievements of a great hero who has always saved life and shown that he can still do much more and a heartfelt thank you to all my readers and friends!

By: Roberto Barros