It was winter when it all started in a tremendous war of nerves that was dominating a mere time when we will never leave behind our memories of a tremendous guy who dressed himself between the sweet and simple life to undo his socialist magnitude and his good humor that I was being attacked for his quality of living among the poor and the rich who needed more dynamics than I ever learned and I tell you that the world cannot take people without a rational cursor as people do not believe that ignorance starts from social classes that are always showing how to undo in the life that is always behind the black curtains that represent iron and steel among all idealized and realistic emotions that always challenge the taste of winning in life with love between hell and heaven that are always predominating varies psychic functions that the human being should understand where his character goes, which personally does not remake among the di innocent dynamics that we always fraternize in life for a taste that prevailed the love that is perhaps a personal trait that makes us acquire various substances of pleasure between love, desire, quality that we experience in all nature through the beauty of deepening our interests that we could even dominate the disabilities and uncertainties of life because we would be learning to live and be happier when there is understanding between the functions that are justified between the opposed side of love and hatred that does not see the truth that is inevitably the case of incapacities because they are incapable about their desires that are optimized by the greed of the valued power that we feel most justified and saved from the uncertainty of overcoming evil at the root by pure greed that we wish to win the world without any prejudices and that we only pass and need pleasure and love for the vanity of living and be happy with certain circumstances that depress us among the oppressive realities of life that we call pleasure, will, gain in which we say that society is not swimming in water with tied arms that we should only swim over all the prejudices that are prevailing ignorance and the fascination of solidity that always makes us more optimistic because we may be afraid to live and fight over the life that undoes our abilities that we only call the restoration of the will and we share our vanities and then we take advantage of any quality that is always making the world roll over ourselves that we are learning to live and conquer the world and show how much we can live and be happy amid an idealistic desire that we fantasize among our youths that is a challenge between our feelings and thoughts in which we always experience how much we love and hate life and everything is about a moral readjustment and rational that we will find the true answer about a socialized reality among certain aspects those, subjects and capacities that society suffers most as learning and education that are asking us questions of value, selfishness and enthusiasm for living that we keep optimizing as transforming vehicles of existence on the basement that lies between love as the pleasure of winning and between hatred as loss of gain that emotionally would not be positive our realities that are simplifying every issue in our lives that we always value for the strength and taste for life that we call the substance of the love that we always seek and see society confuse between a challenging pathology that we need when we feel despised by the optimism that turns into nostalgia that makes education in the evening as a weapon of human feeling among ignorance as a weapon of thought that we lack with our goals about the oppressive realities of life that we just hate to feel pleasure that we feel. does perhaps overcome certain things that we deal with because the will sa be an expression of love that makes us prolong our reasons for living and being happy about all the things we experience as desire and good will in which the world can make us happy in that there is more capacity among all circumstances to live and be happy when one can always love an existence about life as a way of gaining our wills in which we suppose it is not the bitter armor that we have to endure on a freer and more defenseless body than our innocent and small minds on a subtle world that we can experience any substance that proves that we will find something of value in our lives when we do everything out of love.

By: Roberto Barros

Enviado por ROBERTO BARROS XXI em 21/05/2020
Reeditado em 22/05/2020
Código do texto: T6953934
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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