We can densify a story that recently I believe that in everything and for everything begins at the beginning of the world in which we can classify and have a more comprehensive idea about the human being and his birth as well as the creation of the world about the relativities of life and talk about the chaos and birth of the universe in terms of its rhythmic existence over an empty space to god as a beginning, middle and end where we can understand about origins, god, angels and devil and extraterrestrial beings as an emanation of existences or fertile and astral beings as itself parallel, subtle or dense universe even god over all things over chaos and that existed before life on earth until today in which we can disguise this story as a true case and that not everything is or is fully interconnected under certain phenomenal agreements and that both natural and non-paranormal relationships are sudden and that the universe is, is and was or still is a harmony in which certain entities already had their plans and thus we see the world that was relatively proportioned from nothing that is from nothing and that has always existed life itself and thus the creation of the world originated and the earth and living beings were formed, giving life to everything and everyone on the planet called earth.

I simply think that I have dated in my time something very impeccable in terms of concealing a good question so that I can maintain good freedom with time and with life because I know that not all doors do not unite nor can they be opened due to the act of conscience. and trust because I think that in this world there is certainly a controversy that the human being is limited to a formation and control of certain centered ironies and human testaments where everyone, through continuous roles, surrenders to a religious movement that certainly and not everyone would remain on the throne without having to enslave oneself to a power more focused on acquisitiveness and capitalism that has always tarnished the loyal and human good fortune of certain human beings who naturally or chemically may have been born from a state of more superlative consistency that surpasses the barriers of time in relation to life that has certainly never revealed itself or enslaved itself in the face of a more realistic notion in the face of its biological formation and mental intelligence that is fluorescent perhaps almost to god and the world that I certainly believe may be aware that the world is superficial to all the real relationships and formations that nature, through a similarity, gave us and we keep foreseen from a more realistic throne in which man is like someone designed to take ownership of his moral compatibility with the nature of both himself or God and the universe itself because I think that everyone is or is innocent due to a source factor that is not habitable to the behavior and integrity of the world, as many would be something unusual to subsist only by nature and brotherhood of light that we simplify this theory or rhetoric that almost every human being is son of god as he certainly made us as the bible says and certainly this version that we are all brothers today is not used because perhaps in almost everyone there is a prison and we can be in another conformity far from the high suggestion, divine brotherhood and reasoning human ability to certainly understand the existence of this god due to the dark side that controls the lives of most human beings, while innocence lives alongside the human brotherhood, which is perhaps due to a certain belief in god or the devil, who is metaphysically a ruler of the world. or is controlled over human freedom to live life or would life be a submission to death due to the maneuvers perhaps of nature or final justice destined for every living being on planet earth or even the milky way for its formation and creation of the world that I think that his birth is or is concerned about a domain of beings from other planets that perhaps made the world and made people give life on earth according to the creation of the world according to the story of the Bible that teaches us that God made us and made the world or gave us life as nature among its aspects both seen and hidden which are called the mysteries of life that we can understand about the high estimation and high consciousness of life and its formations after the chaos about the birth of the world and its creation as on the physical and medieval side until today and man explains that the universe originated from nothing through a great concentration and combustion that heated up to such an extent that it exploded, creating itself in a primordial atom that through large substitutions of particles and molecules of atoms formed the great universe. Today, we know that all matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms. The union of these atoms, through chemical bonds, forms molecules. A molecule is a set of chemically bonded atoms, forming the smallest unit of a substance that maintains its chemical properties if cgoing to the atomic nucleus as nuclear chemistry generated by the spirit that gives life in which mental fluids pass and become moral in functions of the organism acting in the cells and creating metabolism in the living being as we can understand the creation of the universe that emerged from a great explosion causing both a chemical and physical effect, based on the laws and Big Bang theory in which we can define its factors and relativities with the human being and with the universe in which here I want to talk better about chaos and how everything could have been created as the imagination emanates from us in a well-defined context of the human being in terms of birth, growth and evolution, which through an evolution and laws of human nature is reflected in four formalities of the maturation of the soul over the human mind in terms of the laws:

#1 – Law of Irrationality: master your emotional self. #2 – Law of Narcissism: transform self-love into empathy. #3 – Law of Dramatization: look beyond people’s masks. #4 – Law of Compulsive Behavior: people tend to repeat their behaviors.

I can really tell you that the human being has its laws regarding the universe that created life in a state of growth, evolution and death that caused a great explosion forming an atom in whose chemical transformations going from the subtle to the dense building and destroying itself, reaching such a point that it heats up and explodes, forming a planet called Earth on which we can say and tell the theory of the origin of the universe about the relativity of the construction called the Big Bang.

Big Bang – Theory of the origin of the universe:

How the idea of ​​the Big Bang was arrived at At the beginning of the 20th century, until around 1908, there was a consensus that the universe was static and eternal, and the beginning of the universe from the Big Bang was not considered. In 1916, Albert Einstein published the theory of relativity, which stated that the universe was expanding. The idea of ​​the universe took on new directions. Scientists, with the help of telescopes, began research to verify this theory. Until 1923, scientists believed that the universe was restricted to the Milky Way, with nothing observable beyond its borders. However, systematic observations of a Cepheid star (Fig. 1) called V1 in the Andromeda galaxy helped astronomer Edwin Hubble to show that that star was outside the domains of our galaxy, thus expanding the dimensions of our universe, making it a much bigger place. Fig. 1 - Cepheid star that helped uncover a universe beyond the Milky Way. Source: NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team Shortly afterwards, in 1929, Hubble showed that galaxies move away from each other with speeds proportional to their distance and, measuring their distances, he found that the more farther away, the greater its speed of departure. He also found that light from distant galaxies undergoes a redshift. This type of deviation occurs when the observer and the light source are moving away, and the speed at which the galaxy is moving away from Earth can be calculated by the observed deviation. This discovery constitutes the first evidence for the expansion of the universe. With the development of radio astronomy, starting in the 1930s, astronomical objects were discovered, among other things, that are billions of light years away from the Milky Way. This information led researchers to question whether, if the universe expands without stopping, there was a moment when its mass was concentrated in a single point. The term “Big Bang”, the Great Explosion, was suggested (in 1950) by Fred Hoyle, satirizing the event at the beginning of the universe, as several scientists did several researches with the help of telescopes and deduced that the universe was actually expanding from orderly way. Taking the opposite path to explain the idea of ​​the Big Bang, imagining that, instead of expanding, it contracted, the entire universe would converge until reaching a point of origin. Lemaître called this point the “primordial atom” and proposed that it broke into countless pieces, which were divided more and more, until forming the atoms present in the universe, creating not only matter and radiation, but also what we know as space and time. Big Bang The most accepted theory of the emergence of the universe today is that it began with the hot Big Bang approximately 13.7 billion years ago (time predicted by Hubble's Law, which finds interpretation in General Relativity) and has expanded and cooled over time, forming the structures we know today. Figures 2 and 3 show a diagram of how these structures evolved. The first microsecond was the period of formation, when matter dominated antimatter that served as “seeds” for the formation of galaxies and other structures, dark matter and dark energy (see article: “Is There Really Dark Energy?” Magazine Sciencefic American Brasil, Special Edition nº 41). Computer simulations help reproduce how the universe evolved. In the first moments after the Big Bang, the temperature was extremely high, on the order of 1032 Kelvin (K). Scientific advances show that the first stars and galaxies emerged when the universe was about 100 million years old. Denser regions expanded more slowly and began to collapse. As they had around a million solar masses each, they were the first gravitationally bound structures in the cosmos and were formed from dark matter incapable of emitting or absorbing light.

Fig. 2 - Chronology of the evolution of structures since the Big Bang. Source: TURNER, M. S. The Origin of the Universe. Scientific American Brazil. Special edition, nº 41, 2010 The cosmic microwave background radiation discovered by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson in 1964 (Turner, 2010) glimpses the universe at the young age of 380 thousand years in the period in which atoms were formed. Before that, the universe was a mixture of atomic nuclei, electrons and photons that, when cooled to 3,000 K, the nuclei and electrons combined to form atoms. Fig. 3 - Evolution of the structures of the universe since the emergence of the atom. TURNER, M. S. The Origin of the Universe. Scientific American Brazil. Special edition, nº 41, 2010. Over time, stars and galaxies were formed and, nowadays, the temperature of the universe has dropped to 2.7 K, which is the characteristic temperature of the cosmic microwave background.

We begin to understand the well-defined origin that makes up life that logically human beings show themselves to be about a phenomenal existence that in religion everything that God created was with affection and love, differentiating itself from the creation of the physical laws of the universe that we can define the term religion as something favored and developed over a concept intended for education and love of God having the logic of a treaty of worship, education and love for others in which we can define the high subsistence of one's own character over the development of the Self in which we have destined life as something relatively contradictory to discipline and human knowledge as something of overcoming and the activity of living and subsisting and I think that before the great formation of life the human being has gone through a state of consciousness and consistency that due to its creation perhaps we came from a older generation that today makes us tell and research the history of the society in which ancient times were formed until today and we can understand about ancient origins and civilizations that created the world and lived on earth, as here we have a lot to tell about their history and that we began to understand its facts starting from ancient times.

As for the logic of birth, growth and evolution, we can understand the cycle and relationship between periods where high knowledge and high esteem were developed, formalizing us about a setback and contradiction that made human beings develop over the predominance of living in relationship with the full and life-giving nature of life that made him understand about his development the logic of love and hate as a countersign against time when the story of the beginning of the world is told about the great creations of life settling on development as construction of time and destruction as an act or effect of death, differentiating itself from space and authenticating itself over time as a cycle where we can clarify how it all began and, using a simple notion, we will talk here a little about the ancient age.

Old age

The Ancient Age is a period of history that began when human beings developed the first form of writing in Sumer, around 3500 BC. This time is part of a periodization, developed by modern historians, which established its end in 476 AD, when the Western Roman Empire came to an end.

Understanding the Ancient Age

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The Ancient Age is understood as the period of human history that occurred with the emergence of the first form of writing until the disintegration of the Western Roman Empire. These milestones were stipulated by historians and should be understood as moments of reference that led to transformations in the long term and not immediately.

The development of cuneiform writing is the milestone used by historians to delimit the beginning of the Ancient Age.

The first significant event took place around 3500 BC and took place in Sumer with the invention of cuneiform writing. The historical period before the Ancient Age is Prehistory, and the development of writing is the milestone used to stipulate its end. The Ancient Age lasted until 476 AD, when the last Roman emperor was dethroned.

It is good to remember that this periodization cannot be seen in a rigid way because it only consists of markers used for didactic purposes. Thus, the development of writing by the Sumerians did not mean that all humanity learned to write, it just delimited a moment in which the lifestyle of some human groups began to become more sophisticated.

When we talk about ancient history, we are essentially talking about a period that had a great focus on Eastern civilizations and classical civilizations. Among the prominent eastern civilizations are the Egyptians, the Mesopotamian peoples, the Hebrews, the Phoenicians, the Persians, etc. In the case of classical civilizations, we are talking about the Greeks and Romans.

The Romans were one of the great classical civilizations that existed in Antiquity.

Antiquity, therefore, is the period of great civilizations, and historians dedicate themselves hard to studying them, because we know that reconstructing the way of life of people who lived thousands of years ago is extremely complex.

Outside of Middle Eastern and European civilizations, researchers also consider studying some Asian civilizations, such as China. In the case of America, many still consider that pre-Columbian civilizations also fit into the way of life of ancient people.

When we talk about Antiquity, we dedicate ourselves to understanding the ways of life of different civilizations, which includes the origins of each great civilization, their ways of life, the advances made by them. Furthermore, we dedicate ourselves to the study of the religions of these peoples, their myths of origins, their laws, their economy, etc.

This was the period in which large cities emerged, but it was also a time of conflicts and wars of expansion. Let's now learn a little about some of the civilizations that existed in this part of history.

Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt was a civilization that developed in northeast Africa, in the region of modern Egypt. The development of this civilization was directly linked to the existence of the Nile River, which guaranteed fertile land and enabled human improvement in that region. It is considered that the history of Ancient Egypt began when the unification of the nome, small communities that existed around the Nile, took place.

In approximately 3500 BC, the Nomes formed two kingdoms called Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt, and, in 3200 BC, these kingdoms were unified by Menes, the first pharaoh in Egyptian history. Egypt had a stratified society, was a theocratic monarchy, and was marked in history by its funerary practice of mummifying its dead and by having carried out large constructions, such as the pyramids. If you want to know more about this curious civilization, read: Ancient Egypt.


Mesopotamia is named by many as the cradle of civilization, since part of the first cities formed by man appeared there. Mesopotamian civilizations developed between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and therefore became known as the “land between rivers”. Mesopotamia was inhabited by a series of peoples, such as the Sumerians, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Chaldeans, among others.

The first form of writing developed by humanity was created in Mesopotamia. Cuneiform writing, as it became known, was made on clay blocks and was created by the Sumerians. The Babylonians also stood out for creating a penal code that became well known: the Code of Hammurabi. If you want to delve deeper into the characteristics of the people who were born in the Middle East region, read: Mesopotamian civilization.

Ancient Greece

The Greeks, together with the Romans, were part of the great classical civilizations. They became famous for making great contributions to humanity in different areas of knowledge, such as philosophy, mathematics and history. The Greek people were the result of the union of different peoples: Aeolians, Ionians and Dorians.

The Greeks were well known for having a city model known as a polis, with the two main cities being Athens and Sparta, both holding many lands, being Athens, in Attica, and Sparta, in Laconia and Messenia. Their models were opposite, with Athens being a city with the democratic model, and Sparta, with the aristocratic model.

Greek history is vast and rich, being divided into five periods by historians as a way of organizing the development of these people over time. The Greeks were excellent navigators and were involved in many of the most important chapters of Antiquity, such as the Medical Wars and the Peloponnesian War. To learn more about the people who most bequeathed their ways of constitution to the Western world, read: Greek civilization.

Ancient Rome

Symbol of Roman civilization. The acronym stands for Senatus Populesque Romanus, a Latin term that is translated as “The Senate and the Roman People”.

Rome formed the civilization with the largest empire, territorially speaking, of all Antiquity. Roman civilization emerged as a small city in Lazio, central region of modern Italy. Over time, the Romans expanded their itories and formed an extremely complex and sophisticated civilization.

Roman history was divided into monarchical, republican and imperial periods, and it was in the republican period that the Romans began to expand their borders. Rome had a well-divided society, with plebeians and patricians being the main social actors. The struggle of commoners for rights and better living conditions spanned all of Roman history.

The crisis of Rome in its imperial phase was understood by historians as the milestone that took humanity (on the European continent) into the Middle Ages. The problems of the Roman Empire began in the 3rd century with a serious economic crisis that severely affected it.

The coup de grace in the Western Roman Empire was the invasions of the Germanic peoples, who came from northern Europe and sought to establish themselves in Roman lands. When the last Roman emperor was dethroned in 476, the Ancient Age, chronologically, ended. To learn more about the empire that marked the political and military history of Antiquity, read: Ancient Rome.

Other civilizations

Stele made by the Hittites, a civilization that developed in the Anatolia region, present-day Türkiye.

These four were the main civilizations of Antiquity, but the study of this period is not limited to them, because an infinite number of other civilizations existed in it. Some of them were:









If we take into account America and the opinion of some historians who understand pre-Columbian civilizations as people with an ancient way of life, then we can include the:





I believe that in everything we are aware that the human being has a well-defined characteristic regarding the birth and creation of the world between various species in a certain interval of time and space that makes us return to time as a sounding board that It never stops with its rhythm which is said to be the universe that builds and at the same time destroys itself in the same way as the time it takes us to understand about its age and the ancient times that formalized a concept of maturity about the cycle of life and death which would be space as death showing us its setbacks of destruction which in nuclear physics is designated as a mere circumstance to the nucleus as a space and nuclear chemistry as a state of time in which relativities and functions represent the birth and fertility of a new life how much we can combine as a flow all the probabilities of a birth that we can both tell the story of time as there is a state of consciousness, life and death that we can tell an empty space that in everything can show us simply the beginning of life that is began from nothing and formed in a smaller fraction of time an atomic nucleus that we call a body or matter that really shows us through a simple notion of a path as a birth as we can tell the history and ancient age that is formalized in time and in tells the story of life that in everything is conceived from the fruit of knowledge designating the keys of the mysteries to the true mysteries of life as everything we can imagine that tells us about things both ancient and spatial in which We can densify a story that I rarely believe that in everything and for everything begins at the beginning of the world in which we can classify and have a more comprehensive idea about the human being and his birth as well as the creation of the world about the relativities of life and talk about the chaos and birth of the universe in terms of its rhythmic existence over an empty space until god as a beginning, middle and end where we can understand about origins, god, angels, devil and extraterrestrial beings as an emanation of existences or phenomena and astral beings as itself parallel, subtle or dense universe even god over all things over chaos and that existed before life on earth until today when we can disguise this story as a true case and that not everything is or is fully interconnected under certain phenomenal agreements and that both natural and non-paranormal relationships are sudden and that the universe is or is both subtle and dense and was or still is a harmony in which certain entities already had their plans and thus we see the world that relatively proportioned itself from nothing that is from nothing that life itself always existed and thus the creation of the world originated and the earth and living beings were formed, giving life to everything and everyone on the planet called earth and thus life was formed.

I simply think that in my time I have achieved something very impeccable in terms of concealing a good question so that I can maintain good freedom with time and with life because I know that not all doors do not unite nor can they be opened due to an act of conscience. and confidence because I think that in this world there is certainly a controversy that the human being is limited to training and control of certain ironic beliefs and human wills where all consecutive roles are given over to a religious movement that inevitably never and not everyone would remain on the throne without having to enslave themselves in front of a power more focused on acquisitiveness and capitalism that has always tarnished the loyal good fortune and human nature of certain human beings who naturally or chemically may have been born from a state of more superlative consistency that goes beyond the barriers of time in relation to life that certainly never revealed itself or enslaved itself in the face of a more realistic notion in the face of its biological and mental intelligence that is homogeneous perhaps almost to god and the world that certainly I believe can be aware that the world is superficial to all the real relationships and formations that nature by a similarity has given us and kept us in front of a more realistic throne in which man is like an artifice to take ownership of his moral compatibility with the nature of both himself or God and the universe itself because I think everyone is or would be innocent due to a birth factor that is not inhabitable to the behavior and integrity of the world For many, it would be something unusual to subsist only by nature and brotherhood of light that we simplify this theory or rhetoric that almost every human being is a son of God, as he certainly made us, as the Bible says, and inevitably this version that we are is not used. all brothers nowadays because perhaps in almost everyone there is a prison and we can be in another conformity far from the high suggestion, divine brotherhood and human reasoning of certainly understanding the existence of this god due to the dark side that controls the lives of most human beings insofar as innocence lives alongside human brotherhood which, perhaps due to a certain belief in God or the devil who is metaphysically a ruler of the world or is controlled over human freedom to live life or would life be a submission to death due to maneuvers perhaps of nature or final judgment destined for every living being on planet earth or even the milky way for its formation and creation of the world that I think its birth is or is under a domain of beings from other planets who perhaps made the world and created people giving life on earth according to the creation of the world according to the story of the bible that teaches us that god made us and made the world and gave us life and nature among its aspects both seen and hidden which are called mysteries of life that we can understand about the high esteem and high consciousness of life and its formations after the chaos about the birth of the world and its creation as in the physical and medieval side until today and man explains that the universe originated from nothing about a great concentration and combustion that heated up so much that it exploded and was created in a primordial atom that on large combinations of particles and molecules of atoms the great universe was formed. Today, we know that all matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms. The union of these atoms, through chemical bonds, forms molecules. A molecule is a set of chemically linked atoms, forming the smallest unit of a substance that maintains its chemical properties by combining with the atomic nucleus as nuclear chemistry generated by the spirit that gives life in which mental fluids pass and become moral in functions of the organism acting in the cells and creating metabolism in the living being, as we can understand the creation of the universe that arose from a large explosion causing both a chemical and physical effect, based on the laws and Big Bang theory in which we can define its factors and relativities with the human being and the universe.

I want to say here, with great love and satisfaction, from the depths of my soul that we learn from life what life teaches us and that time values ​​us when we sow life into ourselves and that we are all equal because there is in each of us a call that takes us back to time and that there are no differences between us because somewhere we will meet and we are all the same even though we always have to preserve our lives because time waits for us and we have to make the most of every second of life we ​​have because time doesn't stop and someday we have to say goodbye to each other to go to eternity where we just can't distinguish color or taste because we are all the same and we have to make the most of life and someday we will meet somewhere in the world. heaven or hell because we are here just spending a moment and we should be grateful for this moment because it will someday end or we will go to another different place that maybe is not as beautiful and happy as this one and really this is real because it is part of life as the universe that both builds and destroys itself and that is the rhythm of life and we must not miss a minute of pleasure because we will not have life forever and someday we will go away to another place and someday we will meet because it can be the rhythm of life and we have to be grateful for this place because someday it will end and we will have to fight in another place so that someday everyone, as always, will return to this place again, Be it me, you or whoever you are, we must always believe because someday the time will come and we are all the same, maybe even in another place, someday we will all be ready and we will meet and we must always thank God for all the things we have been and that We pass because someday we have to give an account, perhaps in another place, because we are all the same until death comes.

I want to thank you for this work that I did with great honor and respect and say that today I am happy and that someday we will all meet perhaps in another place and perhaps someday we will return to our place again and we will take only old memories of the world and of our lives and I want to thank you here for my ability to know life and for being a man that I learned and taught as much as I knew and that my words will be well kept as a deep memory of my soul that never dies and of my beautiful story that will remain in memory. Thank you and hugs and I want to thank everyone for this valuable work that as a great writer I dedicate to everyone and I have the honor of showing and dedicating to everyone as an introduction to my personality and as a merit of my best words to whom I dedicate from my heart and I will always say as always that hope is the only thing that does not die and will never end until I exist wherever I am I will always be the same as always because in myself I will always find the light of the sun and of life that will always illuminate my paths and that God will always protect me from all evil forever and so I will always be what I am. And time doesn't stop!

By: Roberto Barros