I know it's not easy to admit them as an existence over us who learn to live and be free and never die because I know that we mourn the loss of someone we see and we even cry for his departure, which we assume is not for such a place. good and friend that can be represented as a nightmare between our lives that we can for some reason put it in when we dream on screen forever as a dream or fantasy in which we simplify the pain with the joy of being alive and being part of a generation among friends that we will never forget that life can be perhaps more than a paradise that we can transform ourselves and conquer life in full youth before death arrives and undoes everything as we cannot guess its arrival sea Address that we will finally miss of our families, people and friends in which we are sad in our pain called nostalgia that makes us feel that our lives have become a loneliness that can tell us that we have not seen and never i we will admit it because we are still young and we dream of the future that is always alive and our esteem is to live so as not to die because life is happy and we may not be sad because we have a life while those who are gone and are sad and who can say that they were happy because they perhaps found the light of resurrection for never forgetting that life does not stop and yes we can say that those who live in nostalgia did not understand the reason for his death because destiny can confuse us with the life and death that someday we will be able to say that we are still alive for reasons of living and not dying and that you have forgotten that death cannot be the end of those who never died I know it's not easy to admit it as an existence over us, the more we learn to be happy afterwards.
By: Roberto Barros