I simply want to speak under a great and fantastic expression that speaks for a great attribute of a music that I simply believe that today cannot have much effect on the other social classes that have always worked for a good social and global strengthening of a real world that people can feel happy for the simple pleasure of telo and of living and that the real world can now here is full of very distorted visions that briefly never and did not cross with the true conscious and consistent life that made the human being love and to adore your planet wounded and hurt by the voracity of life that sincerely reminds me constantly of the old time that remained as a poster and that taught us to live and know its sayings and ways of life and that's how we got to know the true life that today we can believe in his existence and clairvoyance and struggle with the human being who destroys him every second of his life for simple greed and adventures of knowledge. ece the world and earn a living illegally with the industrialization of large plants that have always distorted the climate and the lives of all people on the planet and that became cinema history in various social classes and around the world with its destruction and lack of love for life itself that put the planet in the biodiversity that ended up with the living beings and animals, forests that made the human being today understand its value and construction for our lives and I want to talk about a planet in which we live and really communicate with all the relativities that make up life and by a simple gesture and love I want to dedicate this text to an old singer who saw the most beautiful life and loved his planet and I show that to live we have to love the very life that we simply left and went unnoticed to great turning point of the time when we consciously collapse with our biodiversity and that the world we should have would be more logical our inconsistencies because maybe the human being can really and be satisfied with the few circumstances that can inhibit you against the nature that has always dedicated you to all the relationships and contradictions that life would create and so we will be more or less instincts when we learn to stop our selfishness ahead of life and that's how it is created if the planet is forever giving us life and infecting its own existence in which we can dedicate ourselves body and soul to its functions so that its reactions are no longer drastic the very existence of planet earth and that's how our world would be and it has to be and I want to thank you with several words of love and for a gesture of affection that makes me tell and describe a narration of an old foreign singer named Lois Armstrong who speaks and sings a very beautiful and romantic sentimental song called., What a wonderful world! I'm going to describe her here in her own words in this song which is really an introduction to peace and love and that the world might really have merged into a more sinful world of wars where the man with his greed might have taken his love by the devastating hatred of evil that, by its selfishness and power, has favored great destruction to life on earth causing the death of hundreds of innocent people while nature asked him to stay at home and sow life with more love and feeling than probably the human being has not become aware of his greed on mortals and has shed too much blood on the earth and destroyed many homes and places that life has given us and the human being can be a war machine enraged with its own existence that has not yet grasped the to settle for the most honest reasons of life and the planet was a target of destruction and we think of the earth and the planet can tell us how much we can understand its lack someday if we don't return to ob edce him and here I will express a very coherent lyrics in several languages that can be clarified under his resonant words, a gesture of love and affection for life. In his words he says: "Some of you young people have been telling me" "hey sir what do you mean" " What a wonderful World"? And all those wars everywhere? You call that wonderful? What about hunger and pollution? That's not so wonderful either. Well, how about listening to an old gentleman for a minute. It seems to me, it's not the world that's so bad. more what we are doing for him. And all I'm saying, and see what a wonderful world! It would be if we just give it a chance. Love baby, love. That's the secret. Yes. If only more of us loved each other. We would solve a lot of problems. And then this world would be "Great" That's right," the old man goes on saying, " I see green trees, red roses too. I see them bloom for you and me. And I think to myself... What a wonderful World. I see the skies so blue and the clouds so white. The blessed glow of the day, and the sacred darkness of the night. And I think to myself... What a wonderful World The colors of the rainbow, so beautiful in the sky. So also on the faces of the people who leave. I see friends shaking hands, Saying, "How are you doing?" They really say, "I love you!" I hear babies crying, I watch them grow. They've learned a lot more than I'll ever know. And I think to myself... What a wonderful World. Yes, I think to myself... What a wonderful World. Oh yeah! I simply want to speak under a great and fantastic expression that speaks for a great attribute of a music that I simply believe that today cannot have much effect on the other social classes that have always worked for a good social and global strengthening of a real world that people can feel happy for the simple pleasure of telo and of living and that the real world can now here is full of very distorted visions that briefly never and did not cross with the true conscious and consistent life that made the human being love and to adore your planet wounded and hurt by the voracity of life that sincerely reminds me constantly of the old time that remained as a poster and that taught us to live and know its sayings and ways of life and that's how we got to know the true life that today we can believe in his existence and clairvoyance and struggle with the human being who destroys him every second of his life for simple greed and adventures of knowledge. ece the world and earn a living illegally with the industrialization of large plants that have always distorted the climate and the lives of all people on the planet and that became cinema history in various social classes and around the world with its destruction and lack of love for life itself that put the planet in the biodiversity that ended up with the living beings and animals, forests that made the human being today understand its value and construction for our lives and I want to talk about a planet in which we live and really communicate with all the relativities that make up life and by a simple gesture and love I want to dedicate this text to an old singer who saw the most beautiful life and loved his planet and I show that to live we have to love the very life that we simply left and passed unnoticed from the great turning point of the time when we consciously collapse with our biodiversity and that the world we should have would be more logical, our coherences because maybe the human being can really to be satisfied with the few circumstances that can inhibit him against the nature that has always dedicated him to all the relationships and contradictions that life would create and so we will be more or less instincts insofar as we will learn to stop our selfishness ahead of life and in this way we will be created. if the planet forever giving us life and contaminating its own existence in which we can dedicate ourselves body and soul to its functions so that its reactions are no longer drastic the very existence of planet earth and so would our world and it has to be and I want to thank you with several words of love and for a gesture of affection that makes me tell and describe a narration of an old foreign singer named Lois Armstrong who speaks and sings a very beautiful and romantic sentimental song called., What a wonderful world! In my words I recognize this term that is really important because life needs to be loved and well recognized and our planet would really be the most complete side to preserve us against death that can ravage life that we really can't distinguish life without love as gesture without affection that makes me believe in the existence of god who made us to live and the world would be more logical our life that can really contain us in a beautiful way that we reflect peace and love under all the resonances of the universe and not life without love because love will always be life on earth and we have to sow our planet that needs love and affection when human beings are stuck under a great inability to build the world and the world would not be colorless to so many living eyes that they sow life for a simple distraction from happiness that we venture every hour under a trajectory of reviewing the time that transcends us under all the dictations of our days that we throw ourselves in happiness against the pain of loss for life that can clearly tell us its value and how much life is worth and we will remain alive under the storms that want to inhibit us with life and the planet cannot die because it is our home and we have to sow a fruit of pleasure that in the future we will be able to reap with our maturation as life shows us and reserves us a vast path under a planetary circle that makes us happy for a long period of time and so we will remain intact with life respecting our planet. How beautiful it would be to see people hug each other every day and give thanks for the planet that shelters us from the dark side of life when death has more to take one more under its abode and we are alive in our homes maturing our days that continually served for the confines of the old society that simply took life and the planet as a home and we can simply believe that we are free from hell as long as we love our lives and our planet that is beautiful and will always be like this forever like a song that will implicate us in touch under our days that we can really say that we are living happily and that life will always resurrect under all the disaffections of humanity that we can believe in the existence of god forever and so we will be brave and strong as life and our planet will teach us to respect life and we will always be worthy of the happiness and loyalty that we have to reap for all times as long as life is generous and the earth is extensive we always shine as a source of light our love for life and we will always thank the planet more than ever earth forever that made us and always makes us live and be happy in its magnet that magnetizes us by its relativities with mother nature and all the elements living beings of nature that rubifies us and transforms us into life and so is life and we can really classify between the earth planes and we will never fail to see tomorrow dawn as a lesson of the day when the night gets dark, when we have to rest under all the tasks of life and we just prescribe life and nature, it would be something superlative to life as long as man can live and be happy learning from the planet itself and how much it is beneficial to us and how wonderful life is and so is our planet as a source of light emanating us under a transformation of relativities with life and we will always remain united under a reaction of life and so would our planet be happy when we have to build them under all the challenges of life and we prescribe their dictations and so we are born and we die in peace and we build more lives and our planet can someday tell us how much life is worth living and that we always have to collaborate with life and so we can be alive. I want to say that there will never be a human thought left in how much the human being does not respect life as it should always be and that the planet makes us recognize our mistakes that we sow on life in how much we could build with love the very life of our planet and the human being will never discern the reason for destroying life when there is a salient deconstruction by life and the planet remains as a gateway for those who believe in its existence that in logic it would be the human being to take possession of knowledge and maturation for life and things would not be morbid when a pattern is established and love for life and so it must be for all existences that with affection we can build the world and it will always be valuable as always and so will the wonderful world and how much it is wonderful our world, when we truly love life It would be better when we all just get to know each other better and love each other so we could have the perfect conscience of believing in life and loving the planet itself and that would be effectively Great and we wouldn't end up with the planet and it would always be wonderful as always.
By: Roberto Barros