I want for a minute to contemplate my court that for a more socialist bribe the golden crown must have been stolen which would simply open the most real doors of paradise, which is where all the forces and atomic forms of all existences on the blue side of the city are found. life that has always unleashed the dark side of the serpent that is always manipulating the present, past and future of everyone's pure and human consciousness that deserves us the relativities of life that we can understand where the realities, facts and ideas live from a time that is being contradicted by ironies and false beliefs that properly everything and everyone can reach the holocaust that practically would not be our intention as it is said that we build up the heaven more than dreamed and coveted by the humanistic fascination of living and being happy creating and fighting everything in everything and everything in everything practically, preserves mind, intelligent in which nature is realized on its own aspects that will be qualified all in one, elementally rising to several purposes of living in everything for everything getting our senses together and formalized among four natural elements that in the future could be classified by the fifth essence being called creator of the cosmic mental universe in which they unfold for a more omnipotent classification leading himself as the master of his own existence.

I believe that demons are gladiating in a primordial context that has always manipulated ten from the beginning of life on the mere and great creations that have always developed between atoms, molecules and particles undaunted by creations that with these substances caused by the great atomic explosion were created in the dark of life before god gives birth to life as it is said in the apocalypse that everything and everyone would be born homogeneous but everything was blocked by a universal existence in which we could well say that from the light angels were created and from the dark demons were created that supposedly god created the material world that, speaking of relativities, the spirit was illuminated as a holy spirit that when passing through nuclear chemical transformation in a supposedly short time and space gave life to the materials in their subtle and dense state of the universe passing to the dense which is the matter called human being created by god, what about the subtle resonances which is like a thought in which we say that it is the soul of the atom in its subtle state which is the subtle electricity where it is all characterized with the predominant existence of reviewing everything in life that we keep as a recorder that we call human thought that takes away all the logics and functions of millennial creativity because it I say that we are a small cosmic mental universe in comparison to the great universe because if we are creations of god we are also in everything and everything because we are pieces of the universe in an atomic combination created in a smaller fraction that we call atoms and we are similarities of god.

I believe that love is the opposite side of hatred that always reflects us ironically the way we live and live life, leaving society subject to the fantasies of youth, which are perhaps our strongholds for the future, which establishes our love for all that is. powerful, subject, capable and incapable that almost always we all stumble in the beginning as an assumption of life so that tomorrow we have a more realistic idea that we are doing something normal and better in our lives as well as hate being the opposite side of love that is inexplicable, seductive, courageous, merciless that is always confronting us with life based on and filtering on the society that suffers fearless trials of affection and disaffection that are always being influenced by a classification of ideas as an emotional electrical match in which one should have been fought at work, at school or on the street or just inside the house due to a neurotic factor that emotionally created itself in hatred to transform itself afterwards is in a stability of oppression that denies us the ability to fulfill our desires, which is euphoric because we are free, that in the end everything converts as from the beginning, causing a tremendous depression that is inevitably supposed to be annihilated by the circumstances of life called reality where the human being to see himself unprotected and trimmed between two functions of love and hate that just created the great universe, of fire based chemically on a contradiction of hate and of light on a contradiction of love that is all in one in one classification of ideas that exactly everything is well favored to the plans of nature getting everything done in a combination of atomic and nuclear elements that is expanding with life on earth and on all the planets in the universe as god did in logic according to religion and that we say scientifically the very universe of life that everything turns into death that represents the dark side called hatred in everything that transforms into life what represents the white and light side called love, becoming god as lord of all things in life that sows all human relativity in life, showing the love in which we call euphoria and the devil as lord of darkness, of darkness where there is no love and sows the devastating hatred of being comb we call temptation which is called nostalgia which is inevitable and can be controlled by the education that we learn that life is simply a circle in which we can live and simply someday die called the world of consistency, evidence and transformation that scientifically there is in logic the thought that is the key to feeling and feeling is the key to thought that we call superhuman universes that somewhere may well say that hierarchy is like the freedom of a people that know how to live and learn with life your senses and thoughts that make us react about the great realities of subsisting in life as a hero getting everything in the saga do c on pain .

By: Roberto Barros

Enviado por ROBERTO BARROS XXI em 26/04/2021
Código do texto: T7241358
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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