What I want to tell you or just tell you with my words and intuition about the metaphysics that is always giving rise to the power to value and devalue all forms and bases of life that are more oriented towards recognition with nature very engaginglife as for the human being who is always defrauding human existence by proposing suffering and its own destruction through a relationship that makes us believe that the world is not perfect and will not change one day due to its own construction and moral movement and that are spreading through a poorly elaborated and constructed context of people who may not have acquired more real bases and effective behaviors of a nature full of dreams and desires that are characterized in the social environment that are always changing all religions, policies and reconstitutions government in a manner devoid of ideas concept that man today is homogeneous universe itself that builds and destroys at the same time the time the whole momentary history is highlighted by the very existence that we simply call the deconstruction or wild machine that in everything and in everything makes us react from the inside out leaving our feelings upset with our own innocent natures that for mere circumstances all value that simply leads us to death for a human incapacity that is contained in everything by a relation of facts related to the lack of educational integrity between the people and the classes that use the religions violate the established norms as the politicians who differentiate the b ons by politicians by norms exercised against society by becoming the enemy of the people and devaluing their own lives due to habits and financial maladjustments caused by corruptions of bad politicians badly established by political norms and maladjustments as well as bad government reconstitutions are established leaving the country in financial crisis to end up in a verda of. , another course of social war is established by the wronged who ends up killing themselves and others, leaving the world with an absinthe of contradictory examples the true order taken in which it is devoured by its own root through the reverse of a true life or existence of life at all points and subpoints that clarify the true way of life crying out for peace and love in a circle that makes all unbelievable aspects of life live, leaving black reality as an example of the very life in which we call and where the true orchid black lives.

The search for an understanding of how the process that gave rise to the current universe was triggered has provided - and still does - several debates, researches and theories that can explain this phenomenon. It is a topic that arouses great curiosity in human beings since the most remote times and generates great controversies, involving religious, philosophical and scientific concepts . To date, the most widely accepted explanation of the origin of the universe by the scientific community is based on Teori the Big Bang , in English, Big Bang . It is based, in part, on the theory of relativity of the physicist Albert Einstein (1879-1955) and on the studies of astronomers Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) and Milton Humason (1891-1972), who demonstrated that the universe is non-static and is constantly expanding, that is, galaxies are moving away from each other. Therefore, in the past they should be closer than they are today, and even forming a single point. The Big Bang theory was announced in 1948 by the Russian naturalized American scientist George Gamow (1904-1968) and by the Belgian priest and astronomer Georges Lemaître (1894-1966). According to them, the universe would have appeared after a great cosmic explosion, between 10 and 20 billion years ago. The term explosion refers to a large release of energy, creating space-time. Until then, there was a mixture of subatomic particles ( qharks , electrons, neutrinos and their particles) that moved in all directions with speeds close to that of light. The first heavy particles, protons and neutrons, came together to form the nuclei of light atoms, such as hydrogen, helium and lithium, which are among the main chemical elements in the universe. As it expanded, the universe also cooled, changing from violet to yellow, then orange and red. About 1 million years after the initial instant, matter and light radiation separated and the Universe became transparent: with the union of electrons and atomic nuclei, light can move freely . About 1 billion years after the Big Bang , the chemical elements began to come together giving rise to galaxies. This is the systematic explanation of the origin of the universe, according to the Big Bang theory . Accepted by most scientists, however, much contested by some researchers. Therefore, the origin of the universe is a theme that generates many divergent opinions, being necessary a critical analysis of each aspect that can explain this event that gave rise to life with its great explosion that gave rise to life, all creation of the human being by a ally order malfazeja and benfazeja of creation where before all knowledge becomes the basis of birth, growth and evolution that becomes homogeneously familiar to the human being who also collided like a bomb of particles of atoms, protons and neutrals to form a life to grow and maintain itself in the social standards generated by a human conflict after being involved in the solid nature of life that also makes us like the beginning of the world that everything is being built by the force of good which is love and destructive if by the force of evil which is the destruction that today we are pieces in the evolution phase giving you more space for our rational and human understandings about the hard area . son to live and we are alive because of our circumstances and social development in which love and hate are planted in our notions of living and being happy for an emotional performance that will make us much better for more or more human times. A conflict of this magnitude does not start without important causes or reasons. We can say that several factors influenced the beginning of this conflict that started in Europe and quickly spread across Africa and Asia.

One of the most important reasons was the emergence, in the 1930s, in Europe, of totalitarian governments with strong militaristic and expansionist objectives. Nazism arose in Germany, led by Hitler and intended to expand German territory, disregarding the Treaty of Versailles, including the reconquest of territories lost in the First War. In Italy, the Fascist Party was growing, led by Benito Mussolini, who became the Duce of Italy, with unlimited powers.

Both Italy and Germany were going through a serious economic crisis in the early 1930s, with millions of citizens unemployed. One of the solutions adopted by the fascist governments of these countries was the industrialization, especially in the creation of industries of armaments and military equipment (fighter aircraft, ships, tanks etc ) .

In Asia, Japan also had a strong desire to expand its domains to neighboring territories and islands in the region. These three countries, with expansionist objectives, came together and formed the Axis. An agreement with strong military characteristics and with conquest plans drawn up in common agreement.

The beginning

The initial milestone occurred in 1939, when the German army invaded Poland. France and England immediately declared war on Germany. According to the military alliance policy at the time, two groups were formed : Allies (led by England, USSR, France and the United States) and Axis (Germany, Italy and Japan).

Development and important historical facts:

- The period from 1939 to 1941 was marked by the victories of the Axis, led by the Armed Forces of Germany, which conquered the North of France, Yugoslavia, Poland, Ukraine, Norway and territories in North Africa. Japan annexed Manchuria, while Italy conquered Albania and the Libyan territories.

- In 1941, Japan attacks the US military base at Pearl Harbor , in the Pacific Ocean ( Hawaii ). Based on this fact, considered a betrayal by the Americans, the United States entered the conflict alongside the allied forces.

-From 1941 to 1945 there were the defeats of the Axis , the start for the losses suffered by the Germans in the harsh Russian winter. During this period, there is a regression of Axis forces that suffer repeated defeats. With the entry of the USA, the allies gained strength on the fronts of battle.

- Brazil participates directly, sending to Italy ( Monte Cassino region ) the squares of FEB, Brazilian Expeditionary Force. The approximately 25,000 Brazilian soldiers conquer the region, adding an important victory alongside the Allies.

Final and Consequences

This important and sad conflict ended only in 1945, with the surrender of Germany and Italy. Japan, the last country to sign the surrender treaty, still suffered a strong attack from the United States, which dropped atomic bombs in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagazaki . An unnecessary action that caused the death of thousands of innocent Japanese, leaving a trail of destruction in these cities.

Atomic bomb explodes in the Japanese city of Hiroshima

The losses were enormous, especially for the defeated countries. Millions were killed and injured, cities destroyed, industries and rural areas devastated and incalculable debts. Racism was present and left a serious wound, mainly in Germany, where the Nazis sent them to concentration camps and killed about six million Jews.

With the end of conflict in 1945, it was created the UN ( Organization of the United Nations) , whose main objective would be to maintain peace among nations. A period known for the cold war also begins, now putting the United States and the Soviet Union on opposite sides. A geopolitical dispute between American capitalism and the socialist Soviet , where the two countries sought to expand their areas of influence without going into armed conflict.

Exactly 70 years ago, the world witnessed one of the greatest attacks in history. On August 6 , 1945, a Boeing B-29 called Enola Gay dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima, Japan, on a mission created by the United States government.

Under the command of Paul Tibbetts , the attack was aimed at forcing Japan to surrender and thus end World War II. The name Enola Gay was a tribute to the pilot's mother, Enola Gay Tibbets .

In the context of the war, which began in 1939, the world was divided into two groups. The main forces of the so-called Allies were the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union and the United States, while Germany, Japan and Italy formed the Axis Powers. In August 1945, the war had already ended in Europe, after the deaths of dictators Benito Mussolini (Italy) and Adolf Hitler (Germany), but the clashes continued in the Pacific and Asia, led by Americans and Japanese.

At 8:15 am local time, the Little Boy bomb was dropped towards Hiroshima. It exploded about 500 m from the ground and killed more than 140,000 people. Seeing the size of the tragedy, in the form of a giant cloud of smoke and dust, co-pilot Robert Lewis wrote in the logbook: “God, what have we done ? "

But the Japanese surrender did not happen. Two days later, on the 8th, an even more powerful bomb, called Fat Boy, was dropped on another city, Nagasaki. This time around 70,000 people died.

In less than a week, on August 15, 1945, Japan surrendered to terror, putting an end to the world conflict.

Today we live the best and worst moments of life due to a classification of ideas centered on superlative orders and concepts that make us sincerely love and hate for a relationship of construction and deconstruction that redeems us to a nature. socialist relations between the great peoples that are established between doctrines of peace, love and hate, the world being a reflected and revolutionary example through a learning base in which education makes us deserve a little more of our essences that can distance us from death that may be an example as in the beginning of life from the birth of the universe to life as the deconstruction that combined us as an atom to give us life continues until our nucleus that is made up of atoms, neutrons and protons, our life being created by a chemical combination of elements substantial to our life that makes us men on a planet where it is always untied by predators due to the living nature that leads us to the social deficiencies attributed to the sufferings and joys that predominate in the sufficiency and insufficiency given and built by life to social behavior through work and ongoing friendships between friends and enemies that make us happy and sad to all and causes more wings of life that few are able to enjoy the correct scale of success in which it puts us to act against the guidelines of failures, of the follies in which many are lost in this crucifix of qualities and moral and personal constructions in which it makes us live and be more by extension on the harsh greed of life, leaving behind the great and suffocated mysteries that today are called emotional problems generated by circumstances and mental balances in which we cannot suffer the good or bad life without so many moral attributes that in everything and everything makes us learn to live and one day be really happy.

Perhaps we can understand the case or the chance of life that differentiates us between their personal reality between our actions for the life of learning to value our lives and the people who make us react in contrary ways for a human factor that overcomes our hardest intentions for our similar ones that are giving us fully and giving us love and happiness for a better and friendlier world that distances us from the distorted and compromised realities of the illusions that erase the integrity of life, because one day we will be able to understand why to live and be happy among others and in our lives away from the old and unforgettable black orchid.

By: Roberto Barros

Enviado por ROBERTO BARROS XXI em 20/04/2021
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