__________> screams <_____________

today the sadness lives in me

I hear screams from all sides coming out of my interior,

I don't know how much remains of my essence


I find myself lost in the illusion I created myself,

today hope is absent,

and the wind took my joy away


Poor me, I don't know where I am,

I'm lost...

I got lost trying to find myself,

in places that weren't mine.


today i am mine

Interrupted dreams.

I am details unnoticed,

unresolved loves

I'm crying in pain


against reason,

i am my broken heart

I am the loneliness that guides me,

I'm walking against time

And from afar I hear the screams.

Victória Moore
Enviado por Victória Moore em 22/03/2023
Código do texto: T7746177
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro