Dear and illustrious friends of the Edu Academy, I, as a small connoisseur in science, want to show you everything I have done and that will serve as support and study for many connoisseurs and scholars in biology, physics, chemistry, astrology and other sciences that must be thoroughly studied. a great discovery like a dream I had and I based it on a study for many in the field of science to analyze and study in depth and develop great theories and practices that I think people will really like here because I unfolded a little of myself to relate with many curious people who may have more curriculum and dedicate themselves more deeply to my work for a more atomic and effective creation to serve the world with more technologies and sciences of all kinds that in my view I only show a more comprehensive relativity that dissimulates a most logical question of the human being under life and its existence that I speak to discover mind to a broader life of everything and more applicable to live that the human being can o achieves more evolution in life by combining various atomic theories in a more superlative variety in which one can observe the study of life with a more defined and more complete biology using an atomic combination between its atomic and chemical elements to apply one more study more effective of a superlative biology as the true study of life is to start with the knowledge and creation of life that all started from nothing as it says in Albert Einstein's Big Beng theory that the universe was densely hot and exploded in an atomic formality that understand its creation and evolution of tiny atoms in which life began and I want to show a little of my studies talking a little about alchemy and its relativities that made me think conductively about the four elements of nature that stabilize the human body that is found combined in each atom, looking, nobody says, but 60% of our body is oxygen. If we add carbon, hydrogen and gases, we have 95% of the total mass of the human being, which includes the 42 liters of water that circulate in an adult organism. It is the atoms of these four elements combined that form, as input protein, fat, and carbohydrate, the building blocks of all our tissues. Therefore, the four are called constitutive elements. But it would all be just one big heap of subscriptions without the other 5%. Of the 92 chemical elements existing in nature, only seventeen are responsible for all the reactions that take place within us, from the supply of food and energy production to the elimination of free radicals, accusations accused of leading us to aging, among other things in the more we study the less distinct things how we can see that everything combines in a smaller expression of an element as an atom that we can classify each Atoms, emission and suspicions according to John Dalton.

John Dalton formulated an atomic model in 1808 that was able to make sense of some very important concepts within Chemistry, such as the concept of presenting elements and substances. His model, which was proposed based on discussions made in Ancient Greece by Democritus and Leucippus, determined that the atom had the following characteristics: it was spherical, massive, indivisible and indestructible.

Dalton associated the model of the atom with a billiard ball because of its similarity (massive and spherical) to his proposal. The following is a representation of the atom according to the Dalton model

Sphere that resembles a billiard ball — representation of Dalton's atomic model

Dalton's model is very useful for understanding some important concepts, such as:

Chemical element: group of atoms that have the same characteristics. In the following image, we have the representation of two chemical elements, since we have two different atoms.

Representation of two different chemical elements using the Dalton model

Molecule: group of atoms. We have in the image below the representation of a molecule, since we have a group of atoms

Dalton model used to represent a molecule

Substance: alert group. In the following image, we have the representation of a substance, since we have a group of equals.

Group of equal flags, according to the Dalton model, which form a substance

Analyzing the following representation that uses the Dalton model, we can easily see the amount of atoms, elements, emission and substances present:

In the image, there are seven atoms, three chemical elements, three stars and three substances .

Don't stop now... There's more after the publicity; )

atoms : 7 (all spheres);

elements : 3 (red, green, pink);

marked : 3 (red, green and pink group);

substances : 3 (red, green and pink group).

Dalton's model is still sufficient for us to understand the concept of a simple substance. A substance is said to be simple when its lists are formed exclusively by atoms of the same chemical element. The following is a representation of three simple substances:

Representation of three simple substances using the Dalton model

When analyzing the image, it looked like a molecule is made up of only blue atoms; the other, only by reds; and the last, only by yellow atoms; which denotes that the three are representations of simple substances since they are formed by equals (same element).

If we have in Dalton's model a molecule that had different atoms, we have the representation of what the compound substance preparations are, which is nothing more than the substance formed by more than one type of atom, that is, more than one type of element chemical .

Representation of a compound substance according to the Dalton model

Finally, we have five inscriptions in the image below. By observing them, we realize that they are all different from each other (different combinations of atoms), containing atoms of different elements. Therefore, in this image we will have five compound substances represented.

I intend to further improve this space by giving it a compartment of ideas that will necessarily reach deeper into a metamorphosis that can open the doors of a more evolutionary existence over all the relationships of life and that can simply be called primordial atom.

Lemaître said that the entire universe was out of a single atom called the "primordial atom", he claimed that that atom was fragmented into an extraordinary amount of pieces and each one was fragmented into smaller ones successively until reaching the current atoms.

What is the possible origin of the primordial atom?

The Big Bang theory was announced in 1948 by Russian-born American scientist George Gamow (1904-1968) and Belgian priest and astronomer Georges Lemaître (1894-1966). According to them, the universe would have emerged after a great cosmic expansion, between 10 and 20 billion years ago.

What were the main stages of the evolution of the Universe?

Inflationary phase: origin of the fundamental forces of space and time (when the Universe increased its size by 90 times, it became colder and less dense); Opaque Universe: phase of the first minutes of life, when helium and hydrogen gas originated (in this stage, everything was so dense that light did not propagate )

For an atom to form in the primordial universe, it was necessary for the universe to cool down to the point where a proton could capture an electron, to form the hydrogen atom, or simpler. ... The first molecule to form in the universe was helium hydride, or HeH +.

Our Universe has maintained an opaque monotonous soup of hydrogen and helium nuclei, too hot for electrons to join with protons and form atoms. When this happened, the famous cosmic background radiation was released .

Through Cosmology, help measure the composition of the universe in four components: Radiation (formed by photons, which are particles of light), “ baryonic ” matter (which constitutes everything we know), dark matter and dark energy. ... And despite being extremely important in the evolution of the universe, few know about it.

Supposedly nothing existed before the instant our universe was the dimension of a point with infinite density, known as a space-timer .

I want to make it clearer and more efficient that I speak below about a more effectively treated alchemy that starts from the invisible as well as the universe that was space-temporary in which we can observe the laws of alchemy when everything gets hot and disguises itself between various tiny things that extinguishes itself to an atom which is the smallest reception of an element capable of entering into another, indivisible moment and short space . I intend to improve this space further by giving it a compartment of ideas that will necessarily go deeper into a metamorphosis that will be able to open the doors of a more evolutionary existence over all the relationships of life and that you will simply be able to call a relativity more perfect than perfect think about the study of the elements and that we can find the quintessence of life that is under a more specific foundation that would be everything that is god that is omnipotent in all present things in which we can understand that we are omnipresent in the material plane and that we pass into the spirit which is nuclear chemistry and subtle electricity vivifying every atom in the smallest generation of an element and when we combine we become a spiritual or mystical being as they are called in astrology. I intend to improve this space further by giving it a compartment of ideas that will necessarily go deeper into a metamorphosis that will be able to open the doors of a more evolutionary existence over all the relationships of life and that you will simply be able to call a relativity more perfect than perfect think about the study of the elements and that we can find the quintessence of life in which this is the most specific relativity regarding the laws of life that perhaps may have originated from the beginning of the world that springs from the deep silence of space where we can classify it as the invisible relativity of life and at this point I am very curious and anxious for all those confessions that are further deepened qualify under all purposes more related to the most intimate and pure existence of life. I want to talk a little about alchemy and what we can understand a little under this science that we can find more excited for our lives and thank you!

The origin of alchemy is lost in time, being older than the history of mankind. Its true beginnings are unknown and shrouded in obscurity and mystery. Thus, its beginning is confused with the origin and evolution of man on Earth. The origin of alchemy is quite uncertain, as there are alchemical reports in several ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Persians, Mesopotamians, Hindus, Chinese and Japanese. However, it is generally considered that its beginning occurred around the third century BC , in Alexandria. And classed in mind today there is coming as a vehicle about various things in life in which we can develop various related purposes as an extensive light on various developments of human capacity on earth as a creative flow to every possibility of life and existence over a great and infinite trajectory of pulsation on life how things can be identified on love and on hate in which everything exists alchemy as alchemy for different things in which both things absorb a combined and peaceful relationship with human nature and all existence of life in which we can transmute different things and transform them into something alive or imaginary on a point of restoration between the spirit as nuclear chemistry and the matter as atomic nuclei that we see in everything and for everything we transcribe and perfect ourselves on a great and extraordinary alchemy relatively imposed on life being used as creation functions on any existences p For the material man who sees life more prone to death as for the space man who sees life stenciled over all nature in which we can classify ourselves superlatively over the natural elements as substances of creation being used in every atom as matter of the quintessence over everything in the third plane where we could see how life began taking into account its relativities such as that of the primordial atom as a result of the relationships and existences of god and the devil on the creations perhaps of heaven and hell staying on good and evil as it was transformed and created the law of the whole existence of life and its unwary and when the great transformation of life was generated in which small fractions of atoms were drastically concentrated in which they combined over a great existence over a great explosion that was formed from the seminary particles about certain atomic and chemical elements about a relationship between radioactivity, electricity and magnetism that must be alchemized if it were Life was formed from particles into atoms, each element of nature being created and contained in four existences in which nature classified itself and is classified as water, air, earth and fire, in which we can say that life was created. and the planets like the earth that formed among the four elements that entered into became alchemical that we could also classify ourselves among them by a body called the atomic nucleus that naturally underwent a transformation of atomic and nuclear development that we have life in earth almost as a fifth pleasure to stay the atom, protons and neutrons combined and formed in an atomic nucleus that we are who also have water, air, fire and earth as related elements and as generators of our existences of life being created on the earth as oxygen, blood, body, combustion and we are human beings that we can also classify ourselves as terrestrial or spatial beings in which we take spirit and soul as matter that of the things we inhabit and that we can transmute between a cycle of both the earth and the universe remaining established on a relativity of universal nature in which, by an alchemy we homogenize ourselves on a deeper relativity in which we can transform ourselves from dense to subtle and from subtle in dense that we mean from chin and yang that is from heaven and earth that I mean from bottom to top and from top to bottom leaving matter as a spiritual being the core transmutable by the energy of the spirit that is the nuclear chemistry that settles down on the sidereal planes of the universe when man can perhaps understand its transformation and combination that atoms intertwine in subtle transformation and combination passing from the dense that is matter as an atomic nucleus to the spirit that is nuclear chemistry and the soul to electricity subtle that combine on the same magnetic and subtle relationship of the universe, leaving the matter more static on an alchemy more related to the stile mo feel to stay on the quintessence of life in which followed by relativity of life where all the atomic elements of life are formalized and formed forming a living being and statically developed on the planes of universal nature.

When we speak of transmutation in relativity it would be general because we would be entering into an alchemical process of a more indivisible variety as perhaps a step over god who is omnipotent and has no beginning or end almost as much as the universe which is infinite over omnipresent things as the man who can understand every detail narrated in this story that things are born from the invisible to the naked eye when there is a general understanding about the relativities of life in which life and death are distinguished on a relativity in which man can create and give life on certain disciplines such as staying a study for the future of mankind on the scientific criteria that are peacefully based on the laws of god such as a study of divine omnipotence on the relativities of alchemy or the alchemy of relativities as a dream and fable that could elevate the existence of life over death and death over life by being more living over all human relationships of man on earth . _

By: Roberto Barros