Despite the ruins and death,

where every illusion ends,

the strength of my dreams is so strong that exaltation is reborn from everything.

And my heart is never empty"


I like the slower poisons,

of the bitterest drinks,

of the most powerful drugs,

of the craziest ideas,

of the most complex thoughts,

of the strongest feelings...

I have a voracious appetite and the wildest delusions.

You can even push me off a cliff and I'll say:

- And? I love to fly!


Don't give me right formulas,

because I don't expect to get it right every time.

Don't show me what you expect from me,

because I'm going to follow my heart.

Do not make me be who I am not.

Don't invite me to be the same,

because honestly I'm different.

I don't know how to love in half.

I can not live a lie.

I don't know how to fly with my feet on the ground.

I'm always myself, but I sure as hell won't be the same forever


Victória Moore
Enviado por Victória Moore em 27/12/2022
Reeditado em 01/04/2023
Código do texto: T7680828
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro