
Name: Roberto Jose da Silva Barros

Street: D1, No. 12

Neighborhood: Ouro preto Cohab

City: Olinda

State: Pernambuco

Zip code: 53330250

Phone: ( 81) 983510453



I am a writer for a website called Recanto das Letras and I have a blog called Pensamentos e mentes da literatura and my vision is well recognized by everyone who enjoys good stories that are well defined in my entire literary concept of stories, philosophies, psychologies, sociologies and sciences that I always describe as a daily role of my life varies formalities to show the whole world my cultural work and artist of a professional career in which I show everything my soul creates as a lesson for everyone to see my big point of view that shines like an unchanging light on a path that I keep as a memory of my youth that takes me deeply into the future of showing the world who I am and what I do and I want to make it very clear that my activities are linked to a great recognition and Brazilian culture that I keep all my works to show the world great relativities and recognitions of my life and I want to thank you all for the great collaboration and to say that my stimulus is to create something substantial to life that gives more capacity to the world and that everything I do is evidence of resistance and good esteem of my notion of living and I want to say that art is my life as much as I love it for always with a lot of affection, affection and loyalty to everyone in my memory that I describe here as a job and great hobby of my life. Thank you!

Objectives :

I want to show the world who I am and spread all my writing work enough for people to see and learn certain things that I have described as an idealist and philosopher of a great time of dreams and fantasies that youth have to face. and that intelligence can devise several paths that I describe here as a visionary showing great theories, psychologies, philosophies and sciences that the world can understand as a certain alchemy that I describe about various ways of living and that is dazzled in the time of back and forth with everyone and my role is very comprehensive in teaching everyone the best way to recognize life and better build the world for the progress of education, humanity and life.


I see life in a different way that makes me feel the whole reality of life as a way of recognizing the world and that we can learn much more from life because simply it would be morbid the mere circumstance that man has to face about his ways and ways of being and recognizing yourself and saying that it is giving that you receive and forgiving that you are forgiven and it is dying that you live for eternal life and so we can understand all aspects of life getting its modalities and realities more just and I am realistic and a true democrat who doesn't see my values and I am in favor of education because it is the most real way to understand all of life and recognize people better because it has to be recognized because people would feel safer and let's put aside the selfishness and practice good manners because this is how life should be and we will really learn to mar the world and in this way we will learn to love people also becoming more loyal to life.


1. I really am Catholic without going to church much and I believe in God for his divine love over us and in the world that God may give us all the graces of Heaven and that he restrain himself about his realities that almost all of them were not made by God and paradise would be better so we don't forget about life because life is a thing of God and the world may have been created by God but it doesn't seem so faithful to our eyes that we still learn to love and respect him and in the creation of world God created Adam and Eve who lived in paradise and ate the fruit of life and committed a great sin and thus the world was created and I can say that I am a sensible, idealistic, creative, optimistic, intelligent, wise, honest, happy and friend but I don't like to see people who are enemies of life because there is something relatively and of great value looking at us and I can understand its mysteries because I believe that we are very close to the apocalypse and life is so beautiful and incomprehensible to understand eq I want the world to be better and to see people happy and to know how they are going in life because I would be happy to thank you and I would be another friend and we can understand that God really exists and that the man who has character has his own discipline and that is fundamental to the world because he himself has opinions about life and about himself and he can become a god because everything he did and does in life will prove to him tomorrow its worth and that he is a god who sows peace, love , honesty, art and this is truly I say a discipline that few have and I can tell you how much it is worth to be a real man when he truly recognizes himself and loves himself and the world will have many gods and how many gods gods showed us more sensible life .

2. I believe that I may have walked through the shadow of death and I have always been illuminated with an unchanging light that has always made me a man as always and I have learned to believe in life that makes us suffer and be happy and I tell you honestly that we are learning certain ways of being to live and it is in giving that we receive and we can understand that we are likeness of God and we can dominate everything that exists both on earth and in the universe because the universe makes us dance its resonance constantly in its song of building and destroying to start again the life that I believe it is a very fine story that we are going through with a rain that wets us when it goes away and so we experience its good and bad moments that we can say that everything is real and we are truly realistic and that to be a man you have to learn from life because I believe that we live several characters in life and when we have personalities and character of our own we don't change our attitude because we are shaped by iron and fire and the gold of life runs in our veins and we are the best people in the world and we always love the planet and we want to conquer the world because we are human beings and we accept the better life when we learn to live and death is not the end because it would be a simpler cause for- shows us another life and so it would be a fresh start to another life and I want to say with great honor and glory that there are men when there are disciplines as there are women when there is more love and so we are all the same and someday we will prove the best of our souls and the world may show us the path of truth and justice and we will recognize true life. .

Roberto Barros biography

I was born on January 4 , 1972 in an interior of Pernambuco called Vitória de Santo Antão called Roberto José da Silva Barros son of Geraldo José de Barros and Maria Balbina da Silva Barros who met in Vitória de Santo Antão in 1954 and got married in 1963 and I, at the age of 34, wrote several books of short stories, poems, chronicles, thoughts and letters that I still write at my home in Olinda as a hobby or hobby in which I gained fame as a writer writing on this website in the corner of letters that opened the doors of my adolescence until today when I made my own blog called recanto do roberto that talks about my skills in life, origin and entertainment in which it is widely publicized for its quality, image and literature in which it consecrated me as a myth of Greek mythology with my exemplary books called. n° 1: memories of the past, n° 2: the beauty of natural images. n° 3: the sidereal man. n° 4: first antecedent biography. n° 5: temple of poetry. n° 6: lives and mysteries of life. n° 7: corner of the letters i. n° 8: corner of the letters ii . n° 9: corner of the letters iii . n° 1o: corner of the letters iv . n° 11: anthology of life. nº 12: first biography present in the flame of a man i, ii , iii , iv . v. n° 13. usa an unforgettable journey through time. nº 14. Vitória de Santo Antão a memory of our time. No. 15. Book of Sacred Prayers. # 16. Hell and Heaven. nº 17. in memory of roberto barros. nº 18. olinda a reminder of our time. nº 19. my english book at home 2018. nº 20. roberto's corner . nº 21. the origin of the relativity of life. No. 22, fragments. no. 23. my book on the preservation of life. # 24 salus .

No. 25 . in my philosophies in the sound of pink floyd , the royal philharmonic orchestra the symphonic .

No. 26 . the faces and phases of death and life of the stars at the rehabilitation center, nº 27. behind the door of paradise, nº 28. from the bottom of the soul, nº 29. the dreams of a scientist, nº 30. iron and fire , nº 31. 90° degrees centigrade Brazilian , nº 32, cinema movies, nº 33. mine bodybuilding and sports training book , no . 34. hatikvah , no. 35. amore , no. 36 . portentous , nº 37. loving together, nº 38 . with you , nº 39. reborn , nº 40. reborn , nº 41. iron and fire, nº 42. a iron and fire i, nº 43. origin , nº 44. origin , nº 45. light brother, nº 46. light brother , nº 47. dawn , nº 48. anthropology human and its triceps aspects and an example of functions bioquimicas , nº 49. my stories and mine fotos , nº 50. my stories and my photographs , nº 51. a scientist's dreams, nº 52. first biography background, nº 53. first present biography in the flame of a writer vi, nº 54. first present biography in the flame of a writer vii, nº 55. hell and heaven, nº 56. anthology of life, nº 57. from the bottom of the soul, nº 58. in memory of roberto barros , nº 59. fragments , nº 60. lives and mysteries of life, nº 61. in my philosophies in pink floyd , the sound royal philharmonic orchestra ÿ the symphonic, nº 62. my training book of bodybuilding and sports, nº 63. memories of past, nº 64. the iron and fire, nº 65. the faces and phases of life and death of stars in the center of rehabilitation, nº 66. salus , nº 67. 90° centigrade degrees brazilian , nº 68. unforgettable time, nº 69. temple of poetry , no. 70. the origin of relativity of life , nº 71. eras , nº 72. eras and texts talking about my life and about great practices of psychologies and philosophies in which my texts are well classified by the public who always give their comments on my page and I am a person that I usually take to life in a realistic way that I myself make my dreams come true as a true future and that after the time that goes by I'm remaking my mind on a fundamental concept of ideas that for me struggles stronger with my intellectual side that we simplify in the search for life without any conflict with youth, which is nothing more than a fantasy in which we put in order our function of reacting with a simple desire to achieve something that does us good as well as the esteem of rebuilding ourselves and conquering the new world more than we dream of the old days and we learn better to use our ability that today is already more evolved with many technological advances that we would be frustrated in doing something ancestor if it already is and we have the metaphysics in our bodybuilding environment of remaking all raw material in perfect union in high performance to create something or something that makes us happy and leaves us rested and today we seek more things that propose to us a conviction to show that we are more potent and creative and after a few years we have put the right things in their proper place and we are not insecure because we know that everything is going well and that it is in perfect union like an atom.

I am more my ideas that become more agile in any circumstance that I do in life and I put aside the bad mood to overcome the weaknesses of life that are like evidence of new efforts that the true conclusions remain and the answer is right and I feel fine soon. Why not!

A kiss to all and a hug to my readers!

The best of me

I am a person who tends to live life realistically that I realize my dreams as a true future and that after time passes I will remake my mind on a fundamental concept of ideas that to fight more with my intellectual side that we simplify in search for life without any conflict with youth which is just a fantasy in which we order our function to react with a simple desire to get something that makes us good as the esteem of ourselves to remake and conquer the new world more than we dreamed of in the past and we learn better to use our ability that today is more evolved with so many technological advances that we would be frustrated in doing something unusual if we were incomplete and we had metaphysics in our environment to remake all raw materials in perfect union and high performance to create something that make us happy and let us rest and today we seek more the things that a conviction that we suggest shows what we are more powerful creative and after a few years we have put the right things in place and we are not insecure because we know that everything is going well and it is in perfect union like an atom. I am more my ideas that become more agile in any circumstance that I do in life and I put aside the bad mood of overcoming the weaknesses of life that are like evidence of new efforts that stay with us the true conclusions and the answer is right and then I feel good. Why not!

We live today in a republican country that was a history as prudent as the others classified in which we can say that we were simply irradiated and influenced by everything or by the most common tradition of a people that is reflected in several races under one sovereignty and several thrones were classified. as examples of power, justice and order over the mere society that today is more formalized and educated about new standards that teach great people who do not think like before that today the standard of living is growing as a result of foreign infiltrations in the labor market and the great industrial revolutions that always surprise us and that give space to the southern man with his laborious role exercising more culture and love for others than his habits are more examples and activities in our social, intellectual and environmental environment that we fail to pacify our good times when we must always remember what primitive man was like, born out of socialist simplicity u in this world in an aspect that perhaps he may have remembered of the ape-man, primitive that today we are totalized in a platform that is perhaps still conquering our spaces and giving birth to our horizons, we versify a beautiful story that we always take to the unforgettable future as a prodigious and formalized emanation in which we plant the seeds in well-designed soils. Our commitments and that life really looks different than what we simply think and that the world is under our control, I believe that we are just establishing a more comprehensive way of life with ourselves and I have always believed that man would achieve his goals like turning a fraction of time into seconds and that life can always show us how the world is and how its realities are that are always questioning us to follow a good pattern and this will certainly lead us to the contradictions of life because life always ends up with a purpose or setback that destined us and it always makes us react to an unprecedented surface of dreams and fantasies that we put in the practices of work, love, friendship and we always remake our minds in a version of believing that we can always win our wills and always be young and death would just be a memory from a past when we were great people, we walked the world and conquered life and death no longer exists and what exists is the memories of a time of conquests, fantastic elaboration on a well-traveled path and we must always travel to the future because one day it will be able to show us the life we planned and yes we will learn to live and follow a path that will lead us to a space where we will have time to transcribe our voids that can make us understand what was missing and that our consciences are simply the love we have and that we learn to live and we must value life and simply our world!

By: Roberto Barros